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Author TOPIC: Virginia Beach Tourney

June 16, 2013
11:31:35 AM

Entry #: 4066348
Can anyone tell us if there is any more detailed info concerning this event. I may be on the wrong page. But, for a tourney this bg there is no chatter, is this event still going down?

how the eff

June 17, 2013
12:27:29 AM

Entry #: 4066464
You ain't scroll down and see that team list? 16-18 teams playing in B/C, yall gone get that bump just bring ya ass's. Noooooo hooooommmooooo


June 17, 2013
6:09:47 PM

Entry #: 4066695
That's whats up, that team list is old though. The Dirty Bucs are not even a team anymore. I had some guys wanting to see the website! But, you are right, just bring it. Long as it is still on I'm good.

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