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Author TOPIC: Smokin Joes = Overrated

June 17, 2013
11:52:50 AM

Entry #: 4066558
congrats to my bacon bits squad for playing a hell of a game and beating smokin joes

this team has been overhyped all season and it shows that most any team can play with them. I hit the grand slam in the 7th inning to shut them up and I showed it by trotting around the bases like the beast I am. Yeah I said it...I was in beast mode.

Come at me bro.


June 17, 2013
12:46:48 PM

Entry #: 4066584
We agree. No argument here. We suck.

June 17, 2013
12:56:56 PM

Entry #: 4066588
It's only softball and yes, congrats. You guys beat a squad who had 3 HR's count for outs that were line drive base hits on other fields (except Veterans). SJ couldnt play small ball well enough in game 1. Good job. Wish you luck in the month-long playoff scheme.

lil' jon

June 17, 2013
1:04:06 PM

Entry #: 4066591
Whaaat???? Yeahhhhhhhh... Okaayyy

June 17, 2013
2:28:54 PM

Entry #: 4066614
What happened to Bacon in game 2. Where was beast mode at?

just sayin

June 17, 2013
7:48:59 PM

Entry #: 4066728
where was the beast mode when overnight office beat you with 9 guys?

Greg L.

June 17, 2013
9:08:22 PM

Entry #: 4066759
Nobody from Bacon wrote that. We don't post anonymously.

jim from ono

June 18, 2013
5:49:54 AM

Entry #: 4066813
nice win!


June 18, 2013
6:13:00 AM

Entry #: 4066814
I love it. Way to shut up them loudmouths!

June 18, 2013
11:24:48 AM

Entry #: 4066885
jim from ono is probably the fat shortstop that runs his mouth. unfortunately, he'll never be good enough to get in front of a ball for it to take a bad hop and hit him right in the mouth to shut his bitch ass up.


June 21, 2013
8:43:42 AM

Entry #: 4067778
Look at the tough guy posting anonymously. .Another keyboard warrior

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