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Author TOPIC: Garbage Issues

June 25, 2013
10:42:30 AM

Entry #: 4068646
From the city of Markham:

Hi All,

It seems that garbage is becoming an issue again at the parks. A majority of our parks have moloks installed which can hold plenty of garbage.

PLEASE remind all your players/teams/coaches to ensure that the park is left is a CLEAN condition. Our parks crews are spending hours cleaning up after your players,
which takes away time for them to cut and line your fields.

If the park you are at doesn’t have a molok and you notice garbage is building, PLEASE advise me and I will have extra bins provided.

I hope we can ALL work together to make sure this issue is resolved.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


August 13, 2013
11:44:38 AM

Entry #: 4082216
Hi All,
It seems we are still having issues with the amount of garbage being left on the fields.

Please remind your players/teams/coaches to pick up after themselves.

kentakunta #19

August 13, 2013
2:46:32 PM

Entry #: 4082276
check with Arms players. They left a pile of garbage at Crosby last night.

Bowen #19

August 14, 2013
3:23:20 PM

Entry #: 4082602
Wasn't the Arms....

Harry Package

August 14, 2013
7:03:34 PM

Entry #: 4082680
It's never anybody.... I left Crosby at 1130pm last night and both garbage cans by the diamond were full of emptys. There was even a case left on top of the big green bins located right by the street, in plain sight. It's pretty simple, just take your emptys with you or I'm sure there will be consequences at some point. It's obviously become an issue... this league has changed over the years !


August 15, 2013
2:19:35 PM

Entry #: 4082911
So...... our team was at Crosby that same night and there was a pile of garbage left where the Arms happened to be drinking. Now, there could have been a team before in the exact same spot who left it? but highly unlikely! I never go on this forum, but thought this was very important to protect our league and character!

* please note that the Prez/I and some of the other team were cleaning it up as best they could at 12 am give or take an hour..

just be aware and this goes out to all teams


August 17, 2013
7:16:56 PM

Entry #: 4083404
Clean up after yourself boys. Be mature.


August 19, 2013
1:17:00 PM

Entry #: 4083835


August 24, 2013
6:28:26 PM

Entry #: 4085337
The biggest thing that people seem to lose sight now and then is that this is a league that is geared toward our community. I understand sometimes the competitiveness takes over and shit happens but at the end of the day with kids around we all need to be careful with the f bombs (my team included). I think most teams handle the garbage issue and clean up after themselves. What your mouths during the tense games.


August 27, 2013
7:27:28 AM

Entry #: 4085976
Someone's gonna have to explain to me how guys leave a mess behind. In only takes a few minutes to put stuff in your car and dump it at home.


September 3, 2013
5:32:48 PM

Entry #: 4087724
I like the thought that even terrible people have something to give us in experience or knowledge which will help us on our own path to keeping the parks clean.

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