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Author TOPIC: Skyline League (American League Central)

July 15, 2013
12:18:16 PM

Entry #: 4073643
What has happened to the Stockmen's Irish? I saw they lost another league game again last night, and if the standings are correct, it puts them in 2nd to last place. Is the problem their hitting? Defense? Pitching (starters and bullpen)? Coaching? What is the problem with this team? Do they have the same team as the past few years?

By looking at their website, they have never finished below .500 in the history of the Skyline League. Are the Irish the new Metro Knights of the past? Where is MetroKnightMike now? How come he is not singing their praises of the monumental sweep of the mighty Irish last week? I wonder if Anton recently bought some new flair as a result of the sweep.

Will the Irish be able to pull of a monster upset in the playoffs and get back to the State Tourney after finishing near the bottom in league?


July 15, 2013
12:56:18 PM

Entry #: 4073653
I'm not sure of the relevance of this asinine post.

Yeah, Stockmens has had a rough year. People have lives and jobs and families that don't always lend themselves to baseball. But they are still a good/decent ball club.

We're not all like St. Louis Park, where guys have no real summer and only play baseball.

Pretty sure the Skyline teams have decent records against the other three Class A leagues. Maybe check up on that first.


July 15, 2013
1:39:24 PM

Entry #: 4073675
Just a little info for you..."Antone" hasn't been apart of the Knights for 4 fact, only 4 players from that era are still on the team. Also, MetroKnightMike wasn't/isn't a member of our team.

Also, I wouldn't write the Irish off. They get team's best pitchers thrown at them each game...and they can still hit the ball. Playoffs are what matters. They are still a good team.


July 15, 2013
2:43:22 PM

Entry #: 4073715
hey WhyzNot, why don't you settle down over there. I wasn't trying to start some sort of cry baby, feel sorry for yourself, post. I was simply asking if any of the teams they have played can explain the difference between this years team and from years past.

Of course people have lives outside of baseball, but remember, I am sure the players on the team had lives outside of baseball in years past too. Do you think that this team is made up of completely different players then the past 3-4 years?

How is the post not relevant to the league? We are talking about a team that has dominated the Skyline for the past 4-5 years, won the State Tourney in 2011, was one of the final 4 teams in the State Tourney last year, but now all of a sudden is a game away from being in last place. With all that said, I think this post is quite relevant to Class A Amateur Baseball.

Are you a baseball fan, baseball player, or one of those super annoying dad's who tries to make their kid be the superstar of the team even though he knows deep down the kid is no good? From your post, I think you are a super negative person who doesn't know anything about what IZ and IZ NOT relevant in Class A Amateur Baseball.

Shooter McGavin

July 15, 2013
5:09:40 PM

Entry #: 4073772
It's pretty simple I'd say...the rest of the league has gotten better and they've stayed the same and regressed a little bit. It looks like they lost a couple regulars over the offseason but the core is still the same. I've seen a couple people say look out for them in the playoffs, I'll say they're 2 and BBQ

Forget aabout it

July 15, 2013
6:24:53 PM

Entry #: 4073789
I would say it is not so simple. Yes the skyline has gotten better but from what level to begin with? Stockmen's may be down and I have no idea but even if the SL has gotten better just how good are they? Not as good as the other three leagues in A that is certain!


July 15, 2013
8:13:17 PM

Entry #: 4073833
The Irish play one of the toughest schedules in Class A, and as someone said previously, Skyline teams often run their best pitchers out against them in league play. When you win your league 4 out of the last 5 years, teams are going to be gunning for you. Come playoff time, I have no doubt the Irish will be one of the 3 teams representing the Skyline in the Class A tournament.


July 15, 2013
8:22:05 PM

Entry #: 4073838
Once again, the 4 letter network beating a topic to death. It would be one thing if Skyline players came on here and talked about how "good" they are. Don't you have Lebron or the Lakers to talk about?


July 16, 2013
8:22:47 AM

Entry #: 4073952
I think you have a hard time reading, understanding, etc. Nothing was tempered in my post, so I'm not sure why yours was.

The Class A experience. I enjoy most every team I play against. A lot of them are fun. Then there are teams made up of guys that have no real connection. If you ask me, that's where the experience is LOST.

I'm not on the Irish squad. But they have a real group and yes, their lives are different this year. As are the veterans lives on my team. We pour ourselves into baseball, to enjoy life and sometimes to escape it. And yeah, we are just playing a game. But we love that game and some of us love who we play with and some of us love a beer in the parking lot afterward with them.

That's who I am. That's who they are. Not the wins and losses one year to the next. And I hate losing. But it's a sh*t year. It's a upside down kind of year. It's all over the place. All these other people whom posted on the Skyline's behalf know it. Why don't you?

...seems to me, like you're the one out of touch and quite negative, ripping on two teams in one post.


July 16, 2013
9:52:57 AM

Entry #: 4073981
Holy crap this is getting emotional!


July 16, 2013
10:20:40 AM

Entry #: 4073992
hey WhynotZ...of course you do not know, but I am a player on the Irish and trying to create a topic to discuss rather than constantly talk about BS rankings that really do not matter.

I am not ripping on any team, and I certainly would not rip on my own team. I really do like how you act like you know our team, our lives, and say we are just like you and your teammates. Nice try.

Yours truly,
Nick Winecke

What did you do?

July 16, 2013
10:41:24 AM

Entry #: 4074001
Didn't you bunt with 2 outs and a guy on second? What a blooper.


July 16, 2013
10:49:49 AM

Entry #: 4074005
Just going off of what YOU GUYS tell us.

Pretty stupid, man. Sorry for backing up Stockmen's and Skyline on this one.

Goodluck the rest of the way.

Jim Rome

July 16, 2013
10:51:11 AM

Entry #: 4074006
I thought the only players that bunted these days are Class "B" and "C" players... and River Pirates.


July 16, 2013
10:51:37 AM

Entry #: 4074007
Exactly Nick. What some of these people don't understand is that baseball is our life. If I couldn't look forward everyday to going to the ballpark with the opportunity to get seen by a big league scout and drafted, I wouldn't get out of bed every day.

FYI- We're 7-6 in Skyline and playin for a bye beyatchis. Yesss.


July 16, 2013
11:53:40 AM

Entry #: 4074033
Just so everyone is aware, 4LetterNetwork is not Nick Winecke. I am actually Nick Winecke and I would never come on here and write anything. I just like to read posts. Some clever person on my team must be playing some little joke on me. I just wanted to clear it up that I am actually Nick. Thanks all.

Class A-Hole

July 16, 2013
12:47:24 PM

Entry #: 4074058
Knights playing for a bye? Lol good stuff...I'm going to assume you're just another forum troll and not on the team. But from the looks of it, FanHQ is definitely the team to beat in Skyline. What about the St. Paul league? Are the Caps still the team to beat? Both leagues are very tight this year in the standings.


July 16, 2013
1:01:30 PM

Entry #: 4074064
My guess is that imposter MetroKnightMike is pretending to be Nick Winecke under the alias 4Letter Network.

And just so we are all clear, there is nobody named Mike on our/my team!!!

Brandon W

July 16, 2013
1:35:55 PM

Entry #: 4074083
FHQ is definitely the team to beat in the Skyline right now.

Solid offense and pitching.

Hogs still solid, will get a look at 'em tonight too.

the great h@mbino

July 16, 2013
1:36:38 PM

Entry #: 4074085
how bout michael?

Am I a Knight???

July 16, 2013
2:08:37 PM

Entry #: 4074092
I don't think I play for the knights. I am pretty sure that theya re the first team in league history to have a negative 19 run differential and still be above .500. The skyline is top to bottom (excluding the hens) the best league this year. The depth and talent is greatly improved. I think stockmens is 0-2 in playoffs after their first round matchup with the knights. Both Winecke and Kohlman are disappointments this year.

Greg Gagne

Forget aabout it

July 16, 2013
2:31:17 PM

Entry #: 4074097
"The skyline is top to bottom (excluding the hens) the best league this year."

Well there it is. Someone had typed that the SL does not come out claiming they are the shizznizzly.

Apparently someone thinks they are hizzle bizzle!

I do not agree.

the great h@mbino

July 16, 2013
3:00:57 PM

Entry #: 4074107
Does the Common Man accept typed comments for the preposterous statement tournament? I think that one would have a real shot at taking the cake.

Shooter McGavin

July 16, 2013
4:58:55 PM

Entry #: 4074137
The Skyline is by far the youngest of the leagues...look out in the next few years as all the old fart leagues have guys retiring to get knee and hip replacements. After years of futility the Skyline will dominate.

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