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Author TOPIC:
Brandon W

July 16, 2013
12:16:25 PM

Entry #: 4074045
Also, there's no Peter on the Metro Knights. If the webmaster could kindly ban anyone with "Metro Knights" in their screen name, that'd save everyone a lot of annoyance.


Brandon W

July 16, 2013
12:19:09 PM

Entry #: 4074049
Many apologies,

This is in reference to the "Skyline League - AL Central" thread, and any other previous "MetroKnight_______ reference.

MetroKnight(fill in name here) does not represent anyone on the team.



July 16, 2013
1:03:03 PM

Entry #: 4074065
There is actually nobody named Brandon on our team. Can you please remove Brandon WebMaster?

Brandon isn't even a real name.

Brandon W

July 16, 2013
1:29:10 PM

Entry #: 4074080
I know I'll regret doing this but:

Shooter McGavin

July 16, 2013
2:07:54 PM

Entry #: 4074091
You realize by even acknowledging Peter, who may or may not be on the Metro Knights, you're only adding fuel to the fire. He got you to react, ergo he wins and you lose, hand him your uniform so he has a team to play for.

Forget aabout it

July 16, 2013
2:32:55 PM

Entry #: 4074098
No one probably gave this imposter/donkey a tryout. He probably posted his vitals in the spring looking for a club only to scare everyone away with his outstanding stats from HS.

Shooter McGavin

July 16, 2013
5:01:30 PM

Entry #: 4074138
Forget aabout it- rumor has it the Mudhens released you a couple weeks ago, good thing there's always a spot on Team Forum for you.

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