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Author TOPIC: Six steps

September 4, 2013
5:53:25 AM

Entry #: 4087841
Feel stuck in a lousy team? Here are six ways to stand out and get ahead on a good team.
go to the A draft
hit the ball better
catch the ball
run faster
get off a team that does not hang out after the game
do not let other players kick you off the team

CC & Coke

September 5, 2013
5:12:56 PM

Entry #: 4088378
Why are guys being asked to leave team, VERY SAD. Disgusting behaviour by the leaders of the team.


September 5, 2013
6:14:39 PM

Entry #: 4088390
I believe you should have the right to ask players who are 55 plus to go to the MASTERS division. That division was created for a reason.

Trust Me

September 6, 2013
1:01:18 AM

Entry #: 4088462
This young punk (assumption) should be flogged multiple times so he can learn and understand what this league is all about. Trying using your head and think about what you wrote. If you pay your money you should complete the season, things like age, race, reglion or ability are not reason to kick someone off the team. I can guess what team you play for.


September 6, 2013
7:26:17 AM

Entry #: 4088472
His lack of maturity and intelligence is overwhelming. Grow up!


September 6, 2013
10:33:20 AM

Entry #: 4088509
It's interesting that he chose 55...why that age, specifically? The Masters has a minimum age of 40, doesn't it? This must have something to do with HIS team! To each...their own!

The USPL has been a very successful league because we are community based, and an ALL inclusive league. We all have THE RIGHT TO PLAY!

By the way, kid...Neb Gayman played well, in this division, was a strong supporter of the league, and a well respected player and leader on his team until he was seventy.


September 6, 2013
10:58:05 AM

Entry #: 4088516
Maybe the children that are 27 years old should be kicked off the team for their stinking attitudes. All in favour?


September 6, 2013
11:15:02 AM

Entry #: 4088524
Totally agree. The picture on the home page has a 60+ player, 2 55+ players and 50+ player mixed in with a great group of young players who get what this league is all about!! Played with all 15 players who had all levels of ability and nothing better than having a player with perhaps less skill than others come through with a big play or hit and see the whole team cheer them on!! To those who think they can tell others to leave the team or go home you are not good enough to play, hopefully those names come forward to the exec members as you should be removed from the league as you don't deserve the privilege of playing in this great community league!!


September 6, 2013
11:20:59 AM

Entry #: 4088526
All people under 27 are egotistical asshats.

All people over 55 don't have the skill left to play.


I agree with everyone can't kick a guy off a team - defeats the purpose of the league. That being said, if **personalities** conflict on a team (14 people don't get along with 1 person) that one person should look for a team that would be better suited for him.


September 6, 2013
1:15:09 PM

Entry #: 4088567
why are we trying to mas the issue?
come on mas!
mas be some real losers
which team is guilty of such atrocities?


September 6, 2013
2:25:53 PM

Entry #: 4088585
Each player makes his own decision. That is pretty much the final analysis, like it or not..and if not, then leave the team yourself.


September 6, 2013
3:52:02 PM

Entry #: 4088603
You are correct, it is the decision of the player.

If he is being asked to leave in August because of performance is a different SAD story.

Hey hey look at us we won............we kicked two guys off our team because they were older. Nice T-shirt.

How would you sleep at night?


September 6, 2013
3:59:59 PM

Entry #: 4088605
I didn't mean to offended anyone. It was just an opinion maybe a wrong one. I did say to kick people off, I said to ask them to play in a division that might be better suited for them. It was not a team opinion or an age group opinion. Just mine. I guess I was wrong.

Best of luck in the playoffs.


September 7, 2013
2:06:02 AM

Entry #: 4088685
GS12 ~~~ good and stupid, IQ 12

Mental Midget


September 8, 2013
2:14:52 AM

Entry #: 4088880
What is the figure of speech in which a lot of noise is made for effect for and against a particular person on a public forum?





September 8, 2013
4:45:26 PM

Entry #: 4089002
Team MAS should be kicked out of the league for this behaviour.


September 9, 2013
1:03:36 PM

Entry #: 4089270
Help Wanted:

Telepath you know where to apply.

MAS looking for good players for the playoffs. You must not be older than 35, run like Ben Johnson, catch like Devon White and hit like Pete Rose. If you do not fill that criteria, don't apply. Numerous openings.


September 11, 2013
4:12:02 AM

Entry #: 4089818

MAS to my EX teammates

Thanks for the EXperience

Your time has EXpired

Now EXit my team

We all need to EXpress ourselves against this behavior

Harry Package

September 11, 2013
10:52:47 AM

Entry #: 4089864
So now what, we take away scholarships and they can't participate in bowl games?


September 12, 2013
3:12:28 PM

Entry #: 4090180

What is your solution to this problem?

Harry Package

September 12, 2013
4:37:18 PM

Entry #: 4090216
Not sure what you can do. It bugs the crap out of me that GS12 gets exactly what he wants here, no older guys and a short bench for a prolonged playoff run. Steve and Carlo are first class guys who helped build this League into what it's become. I've enjoyed playing against the two of them for the last 25 years, which coincidently dates back to about the time this GS12 was in diapers, sitting around in his own poop all day. Obviously, some seeped through his skin. The guy is just classless....I guess I'll just hope the Baseball Gods make things right !

Cads 33

September 12, 2013
4:43:54 PM

Entry #: 4090221
Rick, Were Pooch & Steve asked not to play for their team anymore?

Click me now

September 14, 2013
2:41:51 PM

Entry #: 4090544
It appears to be a actuality. Three members of the mas team were told that their season had ended. The fact that no one from mas has denied any of these allegations speaks loudly of their culpability. So silence is consent. Me thinks they are GUILTY!

injury prone

September 15, 2013
12:17:08 PM

Entry #: 4090728
There has been a great deal of misinformation regarding our team, MAS. Let me state clearly that WE HAVE NOT ASKED ANY PLAYER TO LEAVE OUR TEAM. I have been asked by a numbers of players in the league about the situation , and I have told them the same. If anyone wants to discuss this with any member of our team, feel free to do so. We certainly are not proud of the fact that 2 players chose to leave, but it is not the first time that this has happened in the USPL, and it will not be the last. Mas is an interesting mix of players. Our older group enjoy our young players tremendously. That being said, there is no way the older group would allow anyone to be asked to leave our team.
I trust the trolling will continue through those who choose to operate under a pseudonym. However, when players I respect such as Rick, Chris and Vic are asking questions, I did feel the need to respond.

Garr - MAS


September 16, 2013
8:34:26 AM

Entry #: 4090883
Hey Garr, why don't you all let us judge for ourselves. Let's see the email Mark sent (I'm sure his dad would be proud, now there's a class act guy that's played ball in Unionville for years) I guess the apple fell way to far on this one?
Disband this team.

Playoff Prognosticator

September 16, 2013
9:16:27 AM

Entry #: 4090893
Yeah, I'm calling BS on MAS also.


September 16, 2013
11:38:25 AM

Entry #: 4090947
I would like more facts before convicting anyone but it sure seems like this situation doesn't pass the smell test! I welcome anyone from MAS to clear up this situation but rather than do it on the forum I would rather see it brought to the executive so that they could make a decision that best represents the league. Just my two cents!

Trust Me

September 17, 2013
1:03:00 PM

Entry #: 4091385
A very mature comment, fibber, fabricator liar, liar your pants are on fire.


September 24, 2013
3:44:44 PM

Entry #: 4093315
In some countries actors are not allowed to testify in court because they were seen as professional liars. A certain team that wears green and gold must have some outstanding actors.

Guy Smiley

October 14, 2013
8:40:54 AM

Entry #: 4097497
What is being done to prevent this MAS nightmare from happening again?


October 21, 2013
5:30:15 AM

Entry #: 4098978
A great question asked above, anyone have an opinion?

They should be punished for this wretched behavior.


October 21, 2013
4:29:37 PM

Entry #: 4099165
Kick them out of the league.


October 23, 2013
9:26:26 AM

Entry #: 4099680
come down heavy on them

CC & Coke

October 24, 2013
10:59:09 PM

Entry #: 4100117
Kick them all out of the league.


October 28, 2013
1:38:25 PM

Entry #: 4100935
Success is not something you pursue by kicking guys off the team. Success is something you attract by the team you become with all types and skills sets of the players.


October 31, 2013
5:13:48 PM

Entry #: 4101760
For Halloween I’m going as an invisible person. I will be at all your parties. I will also be drafted my MAS in 2014.


November 2, 2013
2:08:58 PM

Entry #: 4102179
Too many times we tend to judge & make fun of people who repeat the same mistake over and over again, istead of helping them get through the situation. Someone should reach out to the mas boys to correct this problem going foward.

CC & Coke

November 13, 2013
4:21:05 PM

Entry #: 4104491
What is the latest on this subject?


November 15, 2013
9:29:48 AM

Entry #: 4104711
I have an easy resolution to this problematic team, remove the guilty parties from the league.

Chip Chip

November 18, 2013
7:09:18 PM

Entry #: 4105333
Bye bye gs12

Lone Rangers

November 19, 2013
10:35:00 AM

Entry #: 4105424
The exec will deal with it, but this could be really interesting precedent.

MBA89, if someone or multiple people are disciplined I wonder how many teams could be dragged in.

There aren’t too many teams that haven’t asked guys to leave over the years.


November 19, 2013
10:56:15 AM

Entry #: 4105428
Many teams have kicked players off in recent years, it's no secret. Over the years that I've been in this league I can't tell you how many teams have kicked players off. Doesn't seem right that they only punish this one player/team.
If they do punish MAS & GS12 it's only fair to punish every player/team that has taken part in these activities.
If the exec is goin to make it a precedent to suspend players and punish teams for this behaviour, they can't just pick and choose which teams and players to punish.
It needs to be a league wide rule and standard.
I did find it rather amusing at the AGM that people were speaking out against this behaviour even though there team is one of the guilty parties over the last few years.

It's going to be very interesting to see how this all plays out


November 19, 2013
4:55:53 PM

Entry #: 4105511
Hey BallsGoAway,
Rather than generically saying that "one of the teams speaking out against this behaviour is one of the guilty parties over the last few years" why don't you come out and name names? I am so sick of the same shit on this board, if you have something to say then say it! Exactly like those in attendance did when they stood up and voiced there concern. Whether you agree or disagree with what they are saying at least the said it on record and not in riddles on a board like this! If it bothered you that much then why didn't you stand up and be heard at the meeting?

Lone Rangers

November 20, 2013
4:48:59 PM

Entry #: 4105685
I think the whole point here is that MAS and GS12 have been blasted (to say the least) by some people without seeing any evidence. Why would there be a dispute at the AGM that would just continue this practice?

Tarheel, it could happen that names are named but either way the people claiming the moral high ground should be prepared to stay there if this whole thing blows up. Everyone should get the same sentence whether they’re a young guy/old guy or been in the league 1 year or 20+ years.


November 21, 2013
7:38:26 AM

Entry #: 4105742
Stop fretting about "the past and other teams". It's ok. Provide the evidence that your team is not guilty and everything will be ok. Appearantly the facts are overwhelming.

If you are faced with this crap, remember you have the right to play like everyone else, ignore these idiots.


November 22, 2013
1:11:30 PM

Entry #: 4105944
What is sad about this story is that this young man probably doesn't realize how blessed he is to have even been given the opportunity to be in the league.


November 22, 2013
10:24:33 PM

Entry #: 4106000
I read all the messages here but I still don't know what MAS did. Does anyone know how they kicked off the players? Are the players who got kicked off mad? Do we have any facts?

It seems like people are trying to get a player kicked out of this league for supposedly kicking a player off a team. Does that mean everyone pushing for that punishment should be kicked out too?

This sounds like an issue for the executives to figure out.


November 24, 2013
12:36:04 PM

Entry #: 4106158
Here is the deal with team Mas.... imaginations run wild when attempting to win a championship .....We experience our deepest desires and thoughts when our you are immature.....hence they asked guys not to show up for the rest if the year..... The ball gods got them in the end.... Now they need to pay for their stupidity....


November 25, 2013
4:47:11 PM

Entry #: 4106425
This is not the first or the last time they have done this.


November 26, 2013
11:52:16 AM

Entry #: 4106538
When playing for MAS, an atheist is someone who doesn't believe in eradicating guys off the team.

Trust Me

November 27, 2013
2:35:39 PM

Entry #: 4106689
Where is the architect of this mess?
Has he been hushed my the team superiors?
Come on out of hiding GS12. What do you have to say?

La Divorcee

November 30, 2013
5:29:14 PM

Entry #: 4106913
Can we just move on, nothing to be done.


December 2, 2013
12:46:28 PM

Entry #: 4107044
GS12You don't stop being God's child when you mess up. God knows your heart and He loves you. Can you love yourself?


December 3, 2013
1:19:02 PM

Entry #: 4107147
I imagine the little lefty pitcher would welcome the chance to correct his errors in judgement.


December 4, 2013
9:27:08 PM

Entry #: 4107312
He is too scared to man up on this forum.

Buno App

December 8, 2013
9:57:22 PM

Entry #: 4107696

Sorry to break it to you, but it’s over. The relationship has ended. The three players are are no longer together. You can’t laugh about their age anymore. You can’t roll your eyes anymore. And you need to accept it. The first step to moving on is to accept that it’s over. You’ve got to understand that you can’t play with them anymore. You can’t hang out with him anymore. You can’t check up on the latest anymore. You’ve got to delete those old messages. Delete your pictures together. Delete their numbers. It’s over. Accept it. The hurt will be over soon.


December 9, 2013
7:06:56 PM

Entry #: 4107815
If you think about this situation. We really judge relationships and playing ball by the ability of the skills of a teammate.


December 12, 2013
10:43:46 AM

Entry #: 4108052
I often tell people, when you make a mistake, you not only hurt yourself, but you hurt the ones around you. I am sure the you man is sorry for his stupidity.


December 14, 2013
5:12:43 PM

Entry #: 4108302
Ban them from the league, one year for everyone they kicked out. Three years.

Trust Me

December 17, 2013
12:16:19 PM

Entry #: 4108522
It's never easy to stand up and admit you were wrong. To insinuate that a man was not good enough to play for your team speaks volumes to your character.


December 21, 2013
10:57:51 AM

Entry #: 4108842
Will the real GS12 please stand up! Be a man, apologize.


December 26, 2013
3:07:35 PM

Entry #: 4109014
Give us all a boxing day special and give all involved a long suspension.

Chip Chip

December 27, 2013
4:56:13 PM

Entry #: 4109072
Cheers to that, DO IT.


January 3, 2014
10:58:50 AM

Entry #: 4109392
Obviously, this is a huge case of sour grapes here, not to mention everyone knew based on history that some of the MAS players are swindlers. Peoples' opinions are just that, they are like rear ends, everyone has one. Does anyone really care what someone else's negative opinion of them is? Being true to yourself is far more important than worrying what someone else thinks. Me, I would prefer that someone be upfront with me on their negative feelings about me if they had them. It would not make them my enemy. You see the devil you know is always better than the devil you do not know.


January 25, 2014
1:11:05 PM

Entry #: 4111942
You're only as good as your weakest link. So cut those who are holding you back from reaching your full potential. How sad is this statement ?


January 27, 2014
7:27:21 AM

Entry #: 4112056
I merely asked a question. These few posts about it are just confirming suspicion. Really I was trying to help you Mas guys out. Why bother cheating if you don't have to. Your team is good enough to win without cheating. Trust me,winning is better when done honestly.


March 2, 2014
10:06:50 AM

Entry #: 4115270
I don't even think Shakespeare could write a story as drama filled as the current state caused by some simple minded people.


March 22, 2014
2:06:18 PM

Entry #: 4117505
Some players need to learn that their actions do affect other people. So be careful what you say and do. It's not always about you.

La Divorcee

March 24, 2014
12:51:51 AM

Entry #: 4117632
Preach on Bro!


March 26, 2014
4:59:25 PM

Entry #: 4117976
what is going on with this mess?


April 18, 2014
1:54:16 PM

Entry #: 4121413
I say to you, love your enemies & pray for those who persecute you or beat them by 14 runs.


April 30, 2014
8:20:51 PM

Entry #: 4123359
Doesn't seem to matter how many times I've looked at this tread...I hope that this team got the appropriate punishment.


May 7, 2014
8:40:45 AM

Entry #: 4124432
Advice to all mas players.......,Do stuff other people don't. Mimicking the traits of others only camouflages your own issues them! Stand out and be noticed and for what is good, do not get abused.


May 16, 2014
5:21:46 PM

Entry #: 4126199
what happened to this smack board? I come on here to see some ignorant bull and there is nothing but crickets chirping....


May 17, 2014
1:57:14 AM

Entry #: 4126262
This has been dead for a while, it's typically the same 10-15 of us that actually read and respond on this forum.


May 18, 2014
9:02:47 PM

Entry #: 4126474
What were the penalties for these guys, was this the team that disbanded?

TMX Group

May 28, 2014
4:22:26 AM

Entry #: 4128088
Sometimes the people we've known for a short amount of time have the biggest impact on our team, even more than those we've known forever. This is why team MAS may not find themselves in the lost column. Their actions last year only enhanced their team. Speaking of short is their former pitcher out of the league ?

Trust Me

May 29, 2014
6:36:03 PM

Entry #: 4128441
They are vastly improved with the loss of the older folks, what a joke. These clowns should have been punished.


May 31, 2014
7:35:50 PM

Entry #: 4128670
This whole thing is ridiculous, they basically kicked legendary guys off the team and got no punishment.


June 1, 2014
9:23:35 PM

Entry #: 4128817
That's just silly, they are sweet young men.


June 2, 2014
11:58:05 PM

Entry #: 4129065
These guys deserve major punishment for their atrocities.

Jack Wagon

June 6, 2014
11:15:46 AM

Entry #: 4129734
Remember happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have it depends solely on what you think.

Harry Package

June 6, 2014
10:14:30 PM

Entry #: 4129778
Time to let this tread go, fellas. They were a classy bunch to play against last night. Solid club who are by no means unbeatable. Just wish we played a little better. Get'cha next time Green Machine, good game !

Cheers, 44


July 3, 2014
4:22:43 PM

Entry #: 4134185
Just read this whole mess for the first time. I understand the impetus to mock the boy's choices. But by just leaving it at that, aren't we all enabling his questionable choices?


July 4, 2014
8:47:41 AM

Entry #: 4134277
Novo, instead of hiding behind this alias name, come and introduce yourself in the parking lot either at Milliken or Crosby and we will answer all of the questions you have...



July 6, 2014
8:57:16 AM

Entry #: 4134424
I could respect those that tell me the truth, no matter how hard it is.


July 9, 2014
2:15:04 PM

Entry #: 4134948
I am up north now at the cottage. Let's meet at your convenience, please describe yourself and I will come to talk to you anytime, anyplace.

Joe S

July 9, 2014
3:42:36 PM

Entry #: 4134963
9:30 Crosby Monday July 14 after our game just look for our green uniforms and introduce yourself.

Trust Me

July 9, 2014
9:53:55 PM

Entry #: 4135021
Grow up babies....once I was in band me if you are tough....I wanted to fight ....come on man.....we are more mature than this...... please take off your braces, pop some zits..... This message is for Norm, Noco and Joe... Ok


July 10, 2014
12:32:10 PM

Entry #: 4135119
Best post ever, are you guys 16?


July 10, 2014
4:42:44 PM

Entry #: 4135174
Apparently there is a "Ultimate Fighter - WWF" divison in the USPL that i was not aware of.
Is there a draft at the beginning of the year is there a masters division.


July 12, 2014
2:14:51 PM

Entry #: 4135473
Maturity is the ability to respond to the team environment in an appropriate manner. This response is generally learned rather than instinctive. So if the team is defined as sore losers they set you up to act accordingly.

Maturity also encompasses being aware of the correct time and place to behave and knowing when to send inappropriate emails, according to the circumstances and the culture of the team you play on.

Adult development and maturity theories include the purpose of a team concept, in which maturity emphasizes a clear comprehension of the team's purpose, directedness, and intentionality, which contributes to the feeling that older guys should be removed for their lack of contribution.

Harry Package

July 15, 2014
1:57:08 PM

Entry #: 4135894
.... so I was in the lot, late last night. No scraps. No handshakes and beers. Nobody kicked off any teams. Just not much action going on at all, after a pretty good ball game.... pussy(s) !



July 19, 2014
9:11:36 AM

Entry #: 4136483
Leave the past where it belongs, in the past.


July 19, 2014
1:12:36 PM

Entry #: 4136497

I think you have missed the just of Harry's message! I suggest you re-read his post!

injury prone

July 19, 2014
6:59:32 PM

Entry #: 4136543
For the record, Harry is one of my favourite players in the USPL....


August 4, 2014
10:01:34 AM

Entry #: 4139136
It's not what you do once in a while it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference. Don't ever say you're not good enough. If that person on your team can't see how amazing you are, then they're the one who's not good enough for you.


August 5, 2014
7:04:31 PM

Entry #: 4139503
Such a disappointment when you defend someone for so long thinking they are different and they turn out to be just like what everyone said, sad.

Trust Me

July 17, 2015
5:04:57 PM

Entry #: 4173960
Re-read this again...just to refresh my memories on the old Mas team..............oh nothing has changed


July 18, 2015
12:03:09 PM

Entry #: 4174037
just lost 15 minutes of my life reading this whole thing, i now understand why this whole league has distant for this team


July 20, 2015
12:46:04 PM

Entry #: 4174274
As previously written above, remove them from the league.


July 20, 2015
1:23:02 PM

Entry #: 4174281
End of year disband team.
Allow them as individuals to re-enter the draft.
Assign new team rep and trust other team reps are aware of "meat heads" and will not draft them = Goodbye meat heads.
Come to think of it the new team could be called XMAS.


July 21, 2015
9:44:11 AM

Entry #: 4174430
Only one meathead and bad leader on the team. The rest are great guys. A hint one is the smallest and other one the biggest. Go figure!


July 24, 2015
7:40:19 AM

Entry #: 4174949
This team defines stupidity, they should rise up against the leader and kick his large butt of the team.


July 26, 2015
6:52:12 AM

Entry #: 4175182
That is not possible Nate. Most of the other players are naive to his inappropriate moves during the past seasons. His character speaks to his lack of integrity.

Trust Me

August 6, 2015
12:50:16 PM

Entry #: 4177241
These guys clearly bent the rules last year and won the whole thing. The past is the past, can we move on?


September 10, 2015
3:59:55 PM

Entry #: 4181300
looks like we all have moved on

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