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September 15, 2013
10:04:54 PM

Entry #: 4090838
Excuse me sir actually ur the dick head all I did was correct watcher on the extra points dumb Azz never said anything about the score.... I don't play football period but from the way things looked today they took another L 0-2 to start of the season... And u getting alot tale offense u play wit them don't u.... I don't care who win I love to watch the game homie... No ur facts and come correct next time

September 16, 2013
7:07:40 PM

Entry #: 4091123
No I don't play either cocksucker. ..imma fan as well but u still had the fuckn score wrong fag....and next time you get on here, get your grammar & spelling together, you illiterate dickhead!!!! Remedial muthafucka! No wonder you had the score wrong! You can't spell, or write so we know you can't count bitch nigga! Fuck off clown!

Kid fan

September 17, 2013
2:39:01 PM

Entry #: 4091418
please keep it clean fellas. I'm 10 and I hate reading curse words. Plus you dumb Mothafuckas getting on my nerves arguing back and forth like some lil bitches. now back to Timeout I go.

September 22, 2013
10:48:31 PM

Entry #: 4092864
Suck a grown dick @kid fan....

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