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Author TOPIC: Season Ending Thoughts
Dewey B

September 17, 2013
11:31:39 PM

Entry #: 4091564
Congrats to everyone on a great season. I thought now would be a good time to ask for everyone's opinion on things we want to change for next year. I thought it was best while its fresh in everyone’s mind before we forget. Then we can discuss these ideas when we get started in the spring.

I will start with a few things I heard.

1)Combining Leagues. I thought the inter-division play went really well. As I suspected the B Division did very well against A Division teams. My team had two losses this season to B Division teams so I think they speaks to the parity. Many folks talked about combining into one league next year.

2) Catchers. This one comes from the umps. I was told that ASA now allows for a Courtesy runner for the catcher. I can say they did have this at the National Tournament as well. So we may consider implementing for our league. ASA says it must be someone on the bench.

3) Ejection policy? We made changes this year to allow the game to continue if someone got tossed. What were your thoughts on that? Did it even come into play?

4) Schedule. While we did have an above average amount of rainouts, the season once again went past Labor Day. This is the third straight year this has happened. We even started a week early this year. I would recommend one of two things. A) I think we should denote a Saturday or Sunday in July (when there are no state tournaments) to have a rain out day. It would be on the schedule so there would be no surprises. I think we would get caught up pretty fast and the playoffs would have a better chance of starting the first week of August like we plan. B) Having a “drop dead” date for the regular season. This would ensure the playoffs starting when we want them to. However, it will lead to unbalanced schedules. Someone will end up playing the first place team more than others. So records may not reflect the truth.

5) Fields. We have to stress to the township that we need the foul lines painted weekly down to the foul pole, that was a mess this year.

Any comments on this….and other thoughts are welcome in this thread.


September 25, 2013
4:53:14 PM

Entry #: 4093606
1 - Though we took our lumps a few times, it was nice to play against some new teams.

2 - I personally wouldn't have a problem with this. How about the pitcher as well?

3 - Ejection policy didn't come into play in any of our games though some umps at the beginning of the year didn't seem to know about it when I brought it up in pre game.

4 - A) I personally (not sure about my team) would not mind a Saturday or Sunday league/rain day if I could get enough to field a team. Weekends can be tough in the summer though.
B) I personally would be opposed to a "drop dead" date unless things go so drastic that we'd play into late October or something like that. We could maybe try scheduling more rainout dates earlier in the year? Fridays?

5 - Agree with foul lines.....would also like for us to recommend they make the coaching boxes longer. By the book they should be 15 ft long....they were maybe half that throughout the year which doesn't give much room for a coach to "get down the line" when waiving runners home.

**I also would like to add that i think it would be smart if the league seriously started to consider implementing bat limitations.....maybe single wall only, non composite. Other leagues in the state do this. I feel the technology of the bats is beginning to take away from the nature of the game and has also become a real safety issue for the pitchers and corner infielders.


September 25, 2013
4:57:52 PM

Entry #: 4093607
BTW....the last post was mine & forgot to sign.


Dewey B

September 30, 2013
12:01:44 AM

Entry #: 4094620
Thanks for the input Andrews, hoping others will chime in with any other ideas/thoughts they think will improve the league.

By the way, at the Nationals...they did allow for a runner for the pitcher as well. I just forget to mention that above.

I am with you on the drop dead date but I would like to see measures in play to keep it going past Labor Day. For three years in a row, we have been asked to rearrange the championship in September because other teams have conflicts with it. Of course we agree because we don't want to force anyone to play without key players. But I think the Sat/Sun rain dates are the way to go. People will complain about missing some guys but that happens already for regular season games.

By the way, Im involved now in some discussions about changes PA is making regarding Bats, balls, classifications, and state tournaments. There is a chance we will see a less potent ball next year. I am not in charge of anything but just asked about my opinion in a few things. I don't think bats will get restricted, at least not as long as they aren't at the National Level.

Gabe H

February 4, 2014
6:07:48 PM

Entry #: 4112931
I really don't understand why everyone seems to be against playing on fridays. As long as i can remember we've always played on fridays out in Harborcreek. I always thought that fridays were the best day to play because you can stay and drink in the parking lot after the game and not have to worry about work the next day cuz its saturday. I personally think we should start playing on fridays again instead of playing on the weekends as someone suggested.

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