| Dayne M
December 8, 2013 4:29:06 PM
Entry #: 4107666
| Texas D1 Nation Baseball will specialize in 14-18 yr olds. Our specific areas of focus are skill development, college recruiting, individual evaluation and programming, and a 12 month baseball specific strength program.
We are currently looking for two 13 u Triple A players for the spring. 14 u players interested in joining D1 please contact to judge interest. High school tryouts will be held in January. We currently have 31 committed at the 15/16 u level.
We will be the first organization that offers the full spectrum for college prep athletes.
For more information or to schedule a tryout please contact Dayne Mitchell.
Dayne Mitchell D1 Nation College Recruiter Colorado Rockies Area Scout Speed Killz Period Affiliate 512-775-7133 Daynemitchell@hotmail.com