| Killeen Rebels Baseball
February 2, 2014 9:14:25 AM
Entry #: 4112716
| Killeen Rebels Baseball is hosting 2014 tournaments on the below dates with the ages listed next to each tournament. All tournaments are a minimum of 4 games with several having an opportunity for additional games.
June 1-2 (15U/16U) Temple College June 7-8 (15U/16U) Area high schools June 21-22 (15U/16U/18U) Area high schools June 27-29 (18U) Temple College July 4-6 (15U/16U) Temple College July 4-6 (18U) University Mary Hardin Baylor July 19-20 (15U/16U) Area high schools July 25-27 (18U) Temple College
Go to www.killeenrebels.com to register or email Jim Davis at krb@hot.rr.com