| johng75035
February 11, 2014 12:31:18 PM
Entry #: 4113563
| 11U & 15U, Spring ball is just about here. 16U and 18U, the summer Showcase season will be here before too long. We are close to having a full roster and need a couple of players for our 11U and 15U teams. Pitching or catching are a plus. We look for coachable players with Great Attitudes who want to learn and grow with the organization.
Our 16U and 18U teams need a few players as well. These teams play at University Showcases and we are looking for solid pitchers who want to get noticed by those college coaches. The teams will also play in the Lone Star league throughout Dallas and Collin County. Thus far, we are locked in to play at Oral Roberts University, Dallas Baptist University, and TCU. It is our goal for you to play well on your high school teams and, ultimately, play college level baseball and beyond.
11U tryouts will be at Frisco Harold Bacchus Park every Saturday at 10:30 am for the next three weeks. It is located on Main Street, just west of Independence Road in Frisco.
15U, 16U, and 18U tryouts will be held every weekend during our regular 15U practices at Jasper High School, 6800 Archgate Road, just south of the intersection with Legacy Road, in Plano starting at 2:00 pm.
Please go to our website at www.Texas-Stallions.com to fill out a questionaire under the "I WANNA TRYOUT" tab to the left of the page. One of our coaches will call you back with an invitation to a practice or a private tryout. Or, you can call me directly at 214-869-6489 or e-mail at johng75035@gmail.com . We look forward to seeing you on the field.