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Author TOPIC: Need a team, D2 preferred
Drew S

February 21, 2014
12:04:59 AM

Entry #: 4114377
Hello, I get to Mok-Dong next week, and would like to join a team, preferably Division 2 because I want to play rather than warm the bench (I haven't played in a very long time). I am in decent shape, run a few 5k and 10ks per year, and can hit it with either foot (better control with right, better power with left).

Also, the Toffees are my favorite club in the EPL, and I would like to know where in Seoul I can watch them.




February 23, 2014
6:51:47 PM

Entry #: 4114607

You can contact me at
or text me at 010-4285-2331

We play our home matches generally on Yongsan base near itaewon.

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