| Tony D
June 9, 2014 10:48:02 AM
Entry #: 4130052
| To answer everyone's questions about WHEN some of the other teams will be posted, the answer is AFTER THEY ARE SELECTED. The teams are chosen as part of an election or tryout process in the order that they will start playing. There are 5 DISTRICT BASEBALL TEAMS, 4 DISTRICT SOFTBALL TEAMS and 6 TOURNAMENT TEAMS. ALL of the DISTRICT TEAMS get selected first because they start play FIRST. The MAJOR M.I.T. TEAM is the exception because it gets chosen the same night as the DISTRICT LITTLE LEAGUE TEAM (12'S). There will be plenty of notice given to ALL of the Players for ALL of the teams via coaches, website, and facebook. NO ONE SHOULD MISS ANYTHING if you're paying attention. So please have a little patience and everything will fall into place as it ALWAYS DOES. As soon as we have schedules for tryouts and elections, we will announce them. Thank You.