| Tony D
July 24, 2014 2:51:00 PM
Entry #: 4137345
Holbrook Little League will be hosting a free summer softball intermediate skills and base running clinic in July and August. This clinic is open to girls league age 10-12 who played in the major league division in the spring season or who aspire to play in the majors in the fall season.
The clinic will include 7 sessions of fielding and base running practices to improve your game between July 24 and August 14th to be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6pm to 8pm at the Bartley Softball Complex on Bartley Road.
Girls should have prior basic fielding techniques (catching/fielding/throwing) and will learn intermediate techniques and basic understanding of situational fielding, intermediate drills, etc.
The clinic will conclude with a skills showcase exhibition game on August 14th. This clinic is open to the first 22 registrations. To register, please email pstilton@stiltonco.com or arrive at 5:30 pm on Thursday, July 24th to register in person and start camp that night.
SAFETY NOTICE: Girls should wear baseball/softball pants with sliding shorts, fielding mask, socks and cleats on all clinic days, bring plenty of water. Girls will be given a free Holbrook Softball T-shirt upon completion of their 4th full session. (specify size when registering) and provided refreshments after each session (snacks/drinks), provided by and sponsored by JTOWN Magazine.
It is also requested that anyone participating in the clinic will be present and committed for most of the sessions listed below. The clinic will culminate on August 14 in a talent showcase on August 14th, with a scrimmage game and pizza party and parents and family are invited to attend.
DATES- 6pm-8pm Tuesdays/Thursdays Bartley Softball Complex 7 Sessions. Tue., July 29. August 5,12 Thur., July 24,31 August 7,14*