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Author TOPIC: Air-It-Out Video!!!
Mike B

October 9, 2014
9:51:41 AM

Entry #: 4148436
First, we'd like to thank GOD for the grace and favor he showed our tournament this past August. Second, we'd like to thank Smoke and Mills for all their help, guidance and support. Lastly, we'd like to thank all the great teams, friends and family members who chose to be a part of MDBEvents and the 2nd annual Air-It-Out flag tournament. I truly believe, if it were not for the DMV, that adult flag football would not be where it is today. Our mission is to change the norm. To change the culture of metals and bragging rights that have been givin out for 2 decades to top caliber teams that put a lot on the line every weekend. With the DMV's support, our tournament series is now a reality. In 2015 we will be expanding outside the DMV, North and South to give more states and teams an opportunity to join in on our top rated cash tournaments. Keep your eyes and ears open for our new website and announcements. Go now to to see the video from the 2nd Annual Air-It-Out Flag Tournament. Hope you enjoy!!

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