| David S
October 9, 2014 6:15:10 PM
Entry #: 4148508
| From Bellwood - Take I-99 North to State College. Merge with Rt 322 (Stay in right lane where 99 and 322 separate at the Beaver Stadium Exit #73). DO NOT EXIT AT BEAVER STADIUM.
Continue on Rt. 322 East to the Boalsburg / PA Military Museum Exit. Take this exit, and continue to the right at the end of the ramp. You will come to an intersection with a stop light - continue straight through the light onto Rt. 45/Shingletown Rd. Continue on for a mile or so. The fields are on the right side.
The turn into the field complex is dangerous because of the traffic coming up behind you in a 55 MPH zone (there have been accidents there during tournaments), and it is very tight so use caution.