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Author TOPIC: Attention Central Texas Baseball parents/players!!
Corespeed E

October 28, 2014
2:36:51 PM

Entry #: 4150753
The work "Showcase" has many players confused.
Remember !!!
You never get a second chance to make a first impression...
Players want to attend showcases and they are hurting themselves. If your goal is to showcase yourself, then work with a purpose and have a plan.
Corespeed Elite baseball program is proud to let every parent in the Round Rock and surrounding areas know that our first priority is to get your kid faster, and stronger for the game of baseball. If your kid wants it, they can have it!!!! Corespeed Elite baseball have passionate training stuff and baseball coaches to help your kid develop into the player you want to be.

Being the Best is a decision!
Don't let anybody tell you different! If you are not working, you are getting passed up!

It's not how you start, it's how you finish.

CSE will be holding player evolutions. This evolution is so crucial in your kids development. This will give us a baseline to build from and improve your kids baseball abilities.
Email to set up your evolutions today!

Corespeed E

October 30, 2014
11:45:23 AM

Entry #: 4150946
Sorry folks, CSE Elite will be holding evaluations.

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