| Austin Horns *
January 8, 2015 12:38:03 PM
Entry #: 4156081
| The Austin Horns Major Teams 7u-14u still have a spot or two open on a couple of the teams saved for high level players. Each team is coached by University of Texas baseball players or other former college baseball players.
7u - Colton Boothe(UTA), Ryan Slaughter(McMurray) 8u - Anthony Pesina(Mary Hardin Baylor) 9u - Paul Montalbano (Texas) 10u - Jonathan Gonzales (A&M-Corpus Christi) 12u - Jonathan Walsh(Texas) & Cohl Walla(Texas) 14u - Nick DeSantiago(Texas)
Contact info@longhornbattingcages.com or call 214.870.1046