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Author TOPIC: Exempt or Not?
T Mac

January 13, 2015
5:25:47 PM

Entry #: 4156463
So for anyone who doesn't know, My name is Tom McGrath.

I haveplayed in the league with Gem, ( when it was the hustlers, rekos and pna as the top teams ) JR's and then Trust.
I moved across country a few years back, and myself, my wife and kids decided to move back. I work a ton of hours and don't know 1) who I am going to play with in summer, 2) don't know if I would be considered an exempt, 3) wondered if it came to a vote. If the league would waive the exemption.

I by no means am the best player. Never was never will be, I just want to go out and have fun, and if a team needs a guy during the week to fill in or help out. I don't want to be the reason a whole Sunday morning team forfeits out of the playoffs ( like my Jr's team had to do, due to dutilly playing a game at night )

So what I am wondering is which way you guys would vote...

Thanks hope every had a great holiday. It's almost 35 degrees outside. Anyone ready for BP lol


February 22, 2015
5:26:04 PM

Entry #: 4159350
Jesus, do you think you have to introduce yourself.? Youre fucking TMAC. A legend. Oh fer against the gyro TMAC . just type in " TMAC..Im back " and be done with it. And youre exempt...and youre worth it. ( honestly there is a by law that attends to this probably but Im too lazy to look it up and obv Josh isnt reading the website or he would have responded in the 30 days its been since your post ). its been a while...did you chub up like Demonti or did you just let it all go to Hell like Dutilly?

T Mac

February 25, 2015
7:28:02 PM

Entry #: 4159618
Just as bad as I was when I left... just older, slower, a bit fatter. And with 2 kids far less rested!

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