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Author TOPIC: Last mail in registration
Erin R

March 16, 2015
6:58:14 PM

Entry #: 4161166
What is the last date to mail in registration for AA

Tony D

March 18, 2015
10:19:36 AM

Entry #: 4161304
Erin, those teams will be drafted next week, so if you can mail it in by Sat or come to this Saturday's walk-in Registration it would be appreciated. At this point, we will hold spots in that division but we need to know how many teams we have in order to select coaches, generate schedules etc. We also would rather have 8 teams with 9 or 10 kids on a team instead of 6 teams with 13 or 14 per team. The players in the younger divisions benefit more from less players on each team, thats why early registration is important for the League. Thanks..

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