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Author TOPIC: Youth Flag Football Tourney
bob T

September 29, 2015
2:52:08 PM

Entry #: 4183279
My name is Bob Tamplin. My company, Pro Star Production, is planning to sponsor a major youth (6 & Under) flag football tournament in Henderson. Some of the details are tentative because this is a first time project so the main purpose of this letter is to gage your interest in participating in such an event.
The scheduled date is November 14. This would coincide with the annual ‘Syrup Festival’ held in Henderson and not interfere with the TRI County playoffs. The Syrup Festival would provide an excellent source of entertainment before, between and after games for the kids and family. In fact, all the fun activities provided by the festival are worth the trip by itself.
I plan to invite teams from all over the state, from Texarkana to Houston. We are planning a double elimination tourney and will rent as many fields necessary to finish in one day. The entry fee is $150 to cover costs of the fields, umpires, lights if necessary, trophies, etc.
We think this is a great way to close out the season and plan to make it an annual event.
Please respond ASAP if you are interested in entering a team and I will provide details on how to register.
Thanks for your consideration,
Bob Tamplin DBA Pro Star Production

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