| Clutch Athletics
January 2, 2016 9:12:50 AM
Entry #: 4189356
| Clutch Athletics, home to the 2015 Premier League Freshman National Champions!
We will be holding tryouts on Sundays January 10th and 17th for our 15U and 16U/17U summer teams. Please visit the following link for tryout dates and times for each age group, and to register online....
The tryout will be held at the Clutch facility: 31330 Ranch Road 12, Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Clutch will also be hosting pre-season training camps throughout the month of January to prepare for the high school season. Additional details can be found at....
Please contact Charlie Thames for more information at charlie@clutchathleticstexas.com.
Clutch Athletics....All Out. All Game. All Season!