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Author TOPIC: Clutch Athletics - Summer 15U & 16U/17U Tryouts
Clutch Athletics

January 2, 2016
9:12:50 AM

Entry #: 4189356
Clutch Athletics, home to the 2015 Premier League Freshman National Champions!

We will be holding tryouts on Sundays January 10th and 17th for our 15U and 16U/17U summer teams. Please visit the following link for tryout dates and times for each age group, and to register online....

The tryout will be held at the Clutch facility: 31330 Ranch Road 12, Dripping Springs, TX 78620

Clutch will also be hosting pre-season training camps throughout the month of January to prepare for the high school season. Additional details can be found at....

Please contact Charlie Thames for more information at

Clutch Athletics....All Out. All Game. All Season!

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