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Author TOPIC: 10U THUNDER Looking for 2 players

January 14, 2016
1:18:55 PM

Entry #: 4190032
10U Thunder Baseball team is looking for 2 more players. Prefer that they be able to pitch and or catch. We are an organization operating out of the Cedar Park/Leander area since 2009. We are led by former Longhorn catcher Mark Worley and have had a lot of success on the field and many of our alumni are now heading to play college baseball. We will play 10 local tournaments this spring and summer and a World Series event in Gulf Shores Alabama. If interested in a private tryout please email Coach Worley at


January 26, 2016
4:10:02 AM

Entry #: 4190630
Still need one or two more players.


February 23, 2016
7:58:23 AM

Entry #: 4192205
Still need one player

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