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Author TOPIC: Looking to join Women or Coed B or BB team
Chelsea Prush

February 8, 2016
2:57:00 PM

Entry #: 4191373
5'9 Libero/Outside/Right Side. Looking to join a team or play as a sub!

Megan Kindel

February 10, 2016
10:32:11 PM

Entry #: 4191551
I am 25 years of age and I am very interested to find a team in North Austin for fun and a great workout. I have played through the years with friends outside and indoor in middle school. =]
Decent and I'm not afraid to dig.

I could really use some volleyball in my life. 1X or 2X a week love it so much I can play for hours! Not sure if I'm considered BB or B, but just let me know what is available and I will be there!


Karen Murray

February 11, 2016
9:29:56 AM

Entry #: 4191572
Hi Chelsea,

My indoor women's team needs a sub - tonite! 2/11/16 at 8:30 at the Austin Rec Center - Shoal creek. Please let me know if you are available. thanks! Karen

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