| Noe Banda
April 1, 2016 1:25:41 PM
Entry #: 4194569
| https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/s960x960/12916983_10209342240540900_6657223145097958683_o.jpg
The next Round Rock High School Volleyball fundraiser men's and women's indoor 6s tournament will be April 16, 2016. The field house courts and main gym courts (Building 1100) will be used so they can have up to 15 teams of one gender (3 courts) and 10 teams (2 courts) of the other gender. The goal is to have 10 of each gender with any more of one gender as a great bonus. Let Doug Parker (dparker10@austin.rr.com) or Noe Banda (NBanda@austin.rr.com) know ASAP if you can captain a team and want to reserve a spot or if you are looking for a team and are a free agent. Fee is $120 per team.