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Author TOPIC: Bases left out
Nick W

May 12, 2016
12:06:55 PM

Entry #: 4197470
I'm Nick with 503tow and I alsoI coach a Tualatin youth baseball team. When I got to Jurgens to set up the field for our baseball game I noticed extra bases in the baseball lockbox. I went over to the softball lockbox and it had no bases in it. Luckily one of the baseball coaches put the bases in the locker so they didn't end up missing. Also luckily I found them and got them where they belonged or Sunday's games at the park would have been interesting. Please remember after the last game of the day to pick up the field. Our dues went up this year and if we would have had to replace all of the bases who knows what the cost would have been but it would be back on the teams.



May 24, 2016
10:22:05 AM

Entry #: 4198412
Thank you for helping get the bases back to where they belong! This post is a good reminder to all the teams!

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