| Mike H
June 26, 2016 5:39:15 PM
Entry #: 4200986
| Collin County Baseball will be holding tryouts for its 2016-17 teams. Tryouts will be on July 12th and 26th at 6:00pm. Please visit http://www.collincountybaseball.com/team-tryouts.html for more information and to register 8U – Bryan Vaughn Open 9U AA Colin Young Open 9U AAA Webb FULL 10U Kendrick Moore OPEN 11U TBA OPEN 12U Dean Ingle AA OPEN 12U Lew Kenedy AAA OPEN 13U AAA OPEN 14U AAA/Major Adam Webb OPEN 15U-Mike Hamilton OPEN Summer 2017 16U TBA OPEN Summer 2017