| Aces 9U *
July 26, 2016 11:46:51 AM
Entry #: 4203909
| Hello Parents,
Aces Baseball Academy will be having a tryout this weekend at our facility on July 30rd for age 9u
We are looking to fill 3 remaining spots after our first successful tryout this past weekend. If you cannot make it to this tryout and need an individual assessment, please contact me to set up a time. We are a schedule friendly team, that understands school obligation, family time outside of sports and also offer partial scholarship opportunities through fundraising.
Info provided below: Time : 9am - 11pm Location : Aces Baseball Academy Address: 13101 Old FM 2243 West (AKA Nameless rd) Phone : 512-423-3133 Email : smallballbigdream@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/acesbaseballacademy/