Author |
TOPIC: Blackline Player looking for team! A or BB |
| Annelisa Gonzales
September 6, 2016 5:01:23 PM
Entry #: 4207840
| Backline/libero player looking for an A or BB team. Played from 4th-12 grade looking to get back into it. Friend is also looking for a team. Frontline OH contact my email if you're interested in letting us join!
| Jimmy
September 6, 2016 9:51:52 PM
Entry #: 4207859
| It looks like we may be making a Coed team. Are you and your friend interested. Is either of you a setter. We have one setter and 3 guys (Middle, OH and Opp). -Jimmy-
| Annelisa
September 7, 2016 10:18:08 AM
Entry #: 4207877
| Jimmy! We're down to join. I set a little bit in high school. If I had to make it work I would. Is the other setter a girl? Will we need more ladies?