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Author TOPIC: 7U CTX Orange Crush - Spring Tryouts Dec. 4th!!!!

November 23, 2016
9:36:35 PM

Entry #: 4211969
Spring Tryouts!

The 7u CTX Orange Crush will be hosting a Spring Baseball open tryout on DECEMBER 4Th 2016 at the Leander Little League fields, field 2 from 2:30- 4:30pm. Tryouts will be evaluating fielding, throwing, running, and hitting skills.

Tryout Location

Leander Little League Fields

1100 Halsey Dr.

Leander, TX 78641

About The CTX Orange Crush

Over the past 2 years, the CTX Orange Crush is building a legacy of highly successful, fundamentally strong, quality baseball players, that love and respect the game. The 8u CTX Orange Crush were the number 1 ranked 8u team in the state ( this fall, and the 7u CTX Orange Crush are looking to follow in their footsteps.

Our Coaches

Our coaches are former Division 1 and Junior College baseball players, with years of successful youth baseball coaching in their background. The Coaches on this team coached their fall team to a ranking of 5th in the state at the 7u level. Our coaches are dedicated to teaching our players skills for success today that will also translate for their future. We look to make the game fun while learning strong fundamentals. Our coaches serve as volunteers, so no fees are associated for coaches.


We are searching for players and families that want to learn the correct way to play the game, while growing with our team in our program. We want to add players and families that will grow with us for years to come.

Alternate tryout dates can be made by appointment.

To register, please contact us @


November 28, 2016
7:46:28 PM

Entry #: 4212097
Tryout attendees, if the weather this weekend does not hold out, we will update this post with our make up date information.

Tryout registration @


December 2, 2016
7:10:50 PM

Entry #: 4212331
Due to the weather forecast, our tryout will be moved to Dbat. Date and time remain the same.

Date: Sunday, Dec. 4th

Time: 2:30-4:30


3813 Helios Way, Bld. B / Ste 240
Pflugerville, Texas 78660

To register, please email us @

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