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Author TOPIC: Austin Horns 9-14u Spring Tryouts - Sign Up Link
Austin Horns

December 1, 2016
2:26:48 AM

Entry #: 4212220 - Go here to sign up for Tryouts

Spring 2017 Tryout Information
December 10th and 17th
9u/10u = 10:00-12:00
11u/12u = 12:00-2:00
13u/14u = 2:00-4:00
@ Austin Batting Cages (3708 Woodbury Dr.)

Arrive 10-15 minutes early to warm up. No metal cleats, catchers bring gear, shorts are fine.

The Austin Horns Baseball Club was established by former University of Texas at Austin/Professional Baseball players Jonathan Walsh and Nick DeSantiago. The Austin Horns believe in developing your son into a complete baseball player while also teaching valuable lessons such as being a better teammate and dealing with adversity. Austin Horns teams are coached by former College or Professional Baseball players. The principals taught by our coaches will not only show the player how to be successful on the field, but off the field as well. Player development is our priority, and we believe winning is a big part of that development. We are an organization for families with great moral values who want to ensure their young athletes have an opportunity to grow on and off the field.
Some of Austin Horns Coaching Staff:
Donnie Joseph
(3rd Round Pick – Pitched in Majors with KC Royals)
Austin Wates
(3rd Round Pick - 6 year in Astros & Marlins System)
Nick DeSantiago
(5th Round Pick – 3 year Catcher in Braves System)
Jonathan Walsh
(11th Round Pick out of UT -LA Angels System)
Michael Galvan
( RBI Austin Player Development Coordinator)

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