Author |
| Marucci Elite T
December 21, 2016 5:38:23 PM
Entry #: 4213188
Thanks to everyone for one of the biggest turn-outs in Central Texas in recent years. We would also like to thank the Houston and San Antonio staff. Let's not forget our friend and partner ADAM DUNN!!! The amount of talent was incredible, having kids from San Antonio - Rio Grande Valley - Killeen - Waco - Corpus Christi and surrounding areas. With the huge response, we have had and are continuing to receive, we will be conducting try-outs at 2 different locations in the Austin area on Saturday, January 7, 2017.
Location #1 Akins High School 10701 S 1st ST. Austin 78748 10:00- 12:00 8u-12u 12:00- 2:00 13u-14u 2:00- 4:00 15u thru 18u
Location #2 D1 Nation Sports Facility 96 Market Street Georgetown 78626 12:00-2:00 8u-13u 2:00-4:00 14u thru 18u
Marruci Elite Baseball offers the following: Cat-7 bat, Pro Cut Wood bat, Bag, 3 jerseys, Cap and Helmet 3 practices a week All paid Head Coaches, Staff has Played Pro, Collegiate ball or coached at the High school or College level. Our own D1 Nation Sports Facility offers: State of the Art 20,000 sq ft facility (8) "70FT" full size indoor cages 90x15 Out door Cage (Ready for use January) 120x150 all turf infield (Ready for use January)
Everything you need that NO ONE ELSE HAS!!!
Come and see why we are different!
Pre-Register at http://d1nationsports.com/d1-activities/ Any questions, call us at 512-309-5647
| marco p
December 21, 2016 6:07:12 PM
Entry #: 4213189
| Nope, not true! I saw only 4 kids for my kids age group and players were rec at best. Nothing wrong with rec but its not worth the outrageous monthly fee $$$ for select ball.
| Marucci Elite T
December 21, 2016 8:49:29 PM
Entry #: 4213193
| Well it never surprises me when we get a competitor post without reveling themselves. Please go to our website and see the picture on the front page of all the kids at our try-outs.
Marco Fake POLO you are without a doubt a coach or the head of another organization. We looked on our data base and LOW and Behold no MARCO P on our registration list. Some guys hide behind a computer, call me my cell phone is 512-902-3392. I am sure it won’t happen. If you need a job, we are hiring someone to clean up around our facility. $10 hr. I love the fact that you came out to see what we are doing. DON' T FALL ASLEEP BECAUSE WE ARE COMING. TJ GARZA 512-902-3392
| marco p
December 28, 2016 12:10:14 PM
Entry #: 4213364
| nope, wrong again!! if it was so awesome wy are you still holding tryouts? JT all I did was states the obvious buddy. Why do get so butt hurt and start pointing fingers at others? you have such a guilty conscious,lol. I gave a fake contact to save me from any pestering calls or annoying rants like you usually do on these select baseball msg boards. I work at a car dealership down the road from you and we sure could use a salesman like you, heck I'd even put in a good word for you. If that name brand only knew how tarnished the name is looking right about now in the local area. Its a darn shame because there ain't much 'elite' going on over there. trickery!
| REM10
December 28, 2016 8:31:25 PM
Entry #: 4213376
| Don't reply to the trolls. Marco P is a troll. Anyone who's been in select baseball for a couple of seasons knows how things work.
| fred h
December 28, 2016 11:39:33 PM
Entry #: 4213385
| Go to the website on the front page too see the amount of kids that were at try-outs. You can clearly see the amount of kids that attended. It was one of the biggest I have seen in a try-out I have attended. That was what coach Garza said and he thanked the families for coming and making it a success. That was an accurate statement.
I was at the camp on Tuesday and saw several other kids in from San Antonio and South Texas trying out or attending the camp. Marco the troll most organizations have more than one try-out so they can pick players to fit the positions needed as well as open spots. I am sure it did not occur to you that they are making several teams in each age group. “2 per age group is what they told everyone they are trying to achieve”
You say you don’t want to get pestering calls or annoying rants well get off the message board and stop acting like a car salesman. You even admit that you made a fake name BC U R A FAKE MARCO POLO! The business you are in is typical of car salesmen LIE LIE and deceive, which is what you did by hiding under an assumed name.
We attended the very first try-out that D1 had and went elsewhere bc I had heard all the same things time and time again and nothing came of it. I even sent Coach Garza an email about my thoughts. 2 years later I see that he has done everything he told us at the Westwood try-outs. I called him and asked him if he would be ok if I brought my son out to try-outs ( bc of the email I had sent back at the start) He remembered me and said we would love to have you all come out and don’t worry about what happen in the past we have come a long way.
The facility, gear, and coaches are a great value to our family and is a place my son needs to be to achieve his goals. Everyone has to make decisions I am glad I picked up the phone and made the call.
I recommend to everyone to go visit and don’t listen to any negativity and see for yourself.
As for you Marco Polo we can all see right through U.