| Marucci Elite T
January 14, 2017 5:30:15 PM
Entry #: 4214206
| Marucci Elite Texas wants to welcome Coach Tony Host, former majors team - Team Citius, to the Marucci Family!
Coach Host, who has over 200 wins in travel baseball, has stated that he has been blessed to have very talented boys and great parents making sacrifices to let their sons play at the highest level possible year in and year out. "The boys and families get all the victories, the coach gets all the losses."
Tony Host's Coaching Accomplishments:
2014 USSSA Fall State Champions USSSA Super NIT Golden Triangle Games Runner Up Wilson Demarini Elite World Series Top 15
2015 USSSA Fall Super NIT Runner Up USSSA DFW Super NIT Champions USSSA Twin City Super NIT Champions USSSA Governor's Games Super NIT Runner Up Wilson Demarini Elite World Series Top 5
We are looking to fill 2 more rosters spots for this team and will have individual evaluations during the week. If you are interested, please contact us at 512-309-5647 or by email us at tj@d1nationsports.com.