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Author TOPIC: Q & A

March 8, 2017
7:17:23 PM

Entry #: 4216783
Is a batter able to switch sides during an at bat?
If yes, can they continually go back and forth, or just once?


March 9, 2017
12:39:40 AM

Entry #: 4216792
Me thinks not.


March 9, 2017
6:17:52 AM

Entry #: 4216799
My understanding is that they cannot cross directly over the plate to switch. They have to step out of the box and go back behind the umpire and around to the other side.


March 9, 2017
6:17:10 PM

Entry #: 4216823
I always thought that once you've taken a pitch you can't switch sides...


March 10, 2017
5:34:09 AM

Entry #: 4216844
Hi all just trying to clarify when pitching is your pitching arm allowed to make a full arm rotation (windmill) as long as you still lob the ball in. Had this happen in a game and no one really knew what the rules say about this. Thanks


March 10, 2017
8:03:39 PM

Entry #: 4216872
The new divisions will change the league this year. The sharks get to eat themselves and the guppies get a chance at glory. In
my humble opinion that is the best thing we have done in this league since we started the ringer picks.


March 11, 2017
9:40:49 AM

Entry #: 4216883
Division realigment will be the great equalizer....... brilliant.

HR Leader

March 12, 2017
1:59:18 PM

Entry #: 4216932
Anyone have one of these

I just ordered the softball size one.

Said he has sold a few to Ontario wondering if anyone on here is using one?


March 12, 2017
9:09:40 PM

Entry #: 4216959
Does anyone know a good place to find a boombah superpack bag I have an easton walkoff and want to pick up a superpack as it has room for 4 bats instead of 2 ....I saw it on the boombah site does anyone else know a good place to pick one up.


March 13, 2017
4:13:39 PM

Entry #: 4216999
I bought mine at the Home Run Sports in Mississauga - it was $99 and I got it January.


March 14, 2017
8:22:21 PM

Entry #: 4217054
I'm curious to know what glove sizes and patterns people use for the different positions. I'm looking at getting a new glove... and want to see what the people have/use.

I think I'm leaning towards a smaller glove, as I have been playing a lot of SS/3B lately, but 11 3/4'' seems very small for a 12'' softball - but HRS has some nice sales on some 11 3/4'' I web HoH gloves...

I have a 12 3/4'' H-web that measures at 12 1/2'' but plays nice and deep, closes from thumb to ring finger with TIP.
I use it everywhere, and I basically play every position.

So, what size / pattern glove do you use - for what positions.


March 15, 2017
10:39:34 PM

Entry #: 4217117
A glove is a glove


March 16, 2017
6:48:22 PM

Entry #: 4217149
Just a wide open question.

Whats everyone's opinion on the best (thumb print) bats out there over the last few years.


March 17, 2017
1:36:28 PM

Entry #: 4217176
Next summer I might have to play with prescription glasses. I'd like to know what you guys use, the same as in your daily lives or some sort of sports glasses? Do you use teinted clip glasses for day games?
Thanks for the help.


March 17, 2017
2:09:10 PM

Entry #: 4217177
SFox, i too wear glasses during the day but not for ball
(some may say it gives me an excuse for the way i play).

Actually if u are near sighted (cant see far away) and are playing the outfield you will still need to wear.

Im far sighted (can't see up close - fortunately my wife is also far sighted so we are still married) )
I don't wear glasses when i play the infield and bat.

So find out if u are far or near sighted


March 18, 2017
10:05:38 AM

Entry #: 4217195
I just wear my daily glasses. I have transitions so they change with the sun without having to change between sunglasses and regular glasses like I used to do.


March 19, 2017
12:09:36 PM

Entry #: 4217239
I'm outta the loop as I haven't been as active on the board lately. Was just wondering if there are some organized BP sessions like there have been in years past ?

Would be nice to get out and see some familiar faces and get a few hacks in.



March 20, 2017
6:47:29 AM

Entry #: 4217274
Last summer, I started getting pain in my right throwing elbow and I was wondering if arm sleeves will help relieve the pain. Help me out peeps


March 21, 2017
12:18:07 AM

Entry #: 4217309
I really like KT tape myself

Compression Sleeves help but not quite like KT tape.


March 21, 2017
3:16:16 PM

Entry #: 4217346
KT tape is a placebo ...... it doesn't do anything ........... trust me

Guy Smiley

March 23, 2017
10:06:37 PM

Entry #: 4217464
The curling season is almost over but if my thoughts are turning to slopitch and pain in my legs and arms. No tape, just post game coldies solves solves all the pain.


March 24, 2017
9:58:42 PM

Entry #: 4217527
K. Night - u may want to look at the mechanics of your throwing. i know most of us have played for a while - but may not have looked at HOW we throw. Over the years it can lead to pain. Check some videos you may be surprised. It's not all arm - the upper body, core, legs, angle, starter step should all be considered. Just a thought


March 25, 2017
9:38:26 PM

Entry #: 4217561
Looking for some new ball pants. Not sure which company / or manufacturer to go with. Missed the boat on ordering the combat pants which I really liked but seem unavailable now.


March 26, 2017
12:59:03 PM

Entry #: 4217580
LOVE my Under Armor Clean up/Lead Off pants I got from Sportchek. I have Boombah's, Easton, Rawlings etc and these ones are the most comfortable and turns my butt into panty-droppers-pre-homerun swing.


March 27, 2017
7:38:27 AM

Entry #: 4217623
Looking to get New Balance L2000v2, L3000v2, or L4040v2. Anyone know anywhere within the GTA or online that has a good price on these?


March 27, 2017
5:47:47 PM

Entry #: 4217677
I would recommend Corbetts in Oakville or Home Run Sports in Mississauga.


March 28, 2017
10:54:00 AM

Entry #: 4217734
I need some help I'm trading a bat and pretty much get any bat I want out there but Im stuck between a og red knob dc41. 150hit good shape Or a Miken freak 30 20 hit. A low hit end load nighthawk . I need some help boys


March 28, 2017
7:56:09 PM

Entry #: 4217769
Highest value would likely be the Nighthawk but it really depends on what you typically swing. If you want to try a short barrel go with the Freak 30...if you like the Miken/Worth lines with longer barrel then go with the DC. Not much help but it really depends on what you like to swing.

Network Man

March 29, 2017
6:00:20 PM

Entry #: 4217833
Who cares about the type of's all about the swing......if you have a lousy swing ...... the bat is irrelevant


March 31, 2017
12:25:37 AM

Entry #: 4217930


April 1, 2017
12:51:47 PM

Entry #: 4218049
What about the ball?


April 3, 2017
12:43:11 PM

Entry #: 4218137
Are we changing from the red dot?


April 5, 2017
11:32:27 AM

Entry #: 4218247
When does the season start.... we gots to get going boys


April 6, 2017
6:00:32 PM

Entry #: 4218321
The "red" dots ball is just right for Crosby, do we get a walk 4 a + 2 long ball, outstanding.


April 7, 2017
2:31:45 PM

Entry #: 4218357
A dinger at Crosby is a.....wait for it......A Legitimate shot considering the height of the fence.


April 8, 2017
3:04:26 PM

Entry #: 4218411
I started counting how many days till I hit one out of Crosby, but then I lost count. Still too far away ??


April 8, 2017
8:07:39 PM

Entry #: 4218416
Birkerster, how many days from here to eternity?


April 9, 2017
6:56:24 PM

Entry #: 4218484
Any ball hit out of Crosby should be a double.


April 11, 2017
8:52:28 PM

Entry #: 4218627
Every year we hear the same crap about Crosby .Crosby is one of the best parks to play and look at the whole area around the park. Music playing, kids going down the road for ice cream ....:which ball park is better than Crosby ?


April 15, 2017
3:11:51 PM

Entry #: 4218763
Crosby is the best.


April 17, 2017
12:29:22 AM

Entry #: 4218798

hey i have a question on a rule. Section 7-6e states the batter is out if the batter matter makes contact with the ball (with the bat of course) and any part of his foot touches the plate.

Last year, we useed the black rubber mat for the strikezone. Does this rule apply for the batter just touching the white plate, or also the rubber mat?

I am also assuming that if the batter swings and misses the ball completely and touches the plate then nothing happens.


April 18, 2017
5:47:40 PM

Entry #: 4218925
Step on any part of the plate or mat qualifies for an out.


April 20, 2017
4:10:40 PM

Entry #: 4219045
Only Don Wylie would make that stupid call.


April 21, 2017
5:52:54 PM

Entry #: 4219106
It happens to be the right call.
Batter out of the box (therefore steps on mat or plate) and makes contact with the ball = batter is out and dead ball = no advance.


April 23, 2017
10:30:41 AM

Entry #: 4219163
Rule or not. It is a dump call. Who cares if you step on the mat. What is the reason behind this ignoramus rule .


April 25, 2017
7:19:41 AM

Entry #: 4219274
The so called hitters are always ahead of the pitchers. This is lob ball after all.


April 26, 2017
7:09:24 PM

Entry #: 4219430
Goldyglove, same reason there are rules anywhere in life.

If you can step out of box onto mat why can't you take 2 steps towards pitcher - or 3 steps towards catcher. It's called the batters box for a reason.


April 27, 2017
3:59:39 PM

Entry #: 4219496

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