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Author TOPIC: J+J LM
Devin D

May 11, 2017
11:50:50 PM

Entry #: 4220666
I'd just like to point something out, in light of the news that J+J LM protested their loss against Suarez *after the fact (the next day)* and was awarded a W, despite both teams consenting to play the game in fairness with permission from a league umpire. Before I continue, let that sink in for a moment.

On 4/24, our team (Eastside Furies) played J+J and they couldn't come up with 9 guys. We had 10, and just prior to time running out where an official forfeit would be called 10 minutes after the clock starts? they approached me and asked if we could lend them a player so that we could just play and they wouldn't have to pay $50 for both teams to sit around without even getting a game in. I agreed to give them a player FROM OUR TEAM so that we could at least scrimmage, and I even agreed to pay our share of the ump fees. Just so that we could play some softball, and so that they didn't have to pay $50 and then go home without getting to play at all. But I was very clear that we would be accepting their forfeit and that we would be taking the W that night, and that I was just trying to throw them a bone.

They ended up winning the *scrimmage* 22-17 with one of our players on their team and yet the powers that be still awarded them the official W that night. Go ahead and look it up. On 4/24, it shows J+J having beaten us and getting the W, 22-17, despite the fact that I gave them one of our players, both teams agreed that it would be a forfeit, AND I bit the bullet and still paid $25 for our share of the ump fees. For all intents and purposes, I was doing them a huge solid so that we could at least swing some bats that night, but somehow the league gave them the W. And what's worse, they've known now for a few weeks that the league gave them the W, despite our agreement beforehand that they were to forfeit and we were giving them one of our players, and they didn't say anything.

Talk about integrity.

Foul Balls

May 11, 2017
11:57:16 PM

Entry #: 4220667
Of course JJ doesn't remember that game, or the fact that despite being asked TWICE at our game if he was ok to continue and saying YES, he remembers protesting it (yet nobody remembers that)

Devin D

May 12, 2017
12:07:24 AM

Entry #: 4220671
Seriously though, consider these facts:

1) We gave up a player so that they could have 9, while also putting us a 9 players.

2) I could've just told them to kick rocks and to pay the man $50, and then walked back into our dugout and collected our things. Yet I paid $25 in good faith that they would accept the forfeit.

3) They happily took our 10th player, leaving us a 9, and beat us with him, while also taking my $25.

4) Knowing for WEEKS that they league had given them the W, they didn't say anything. I'm out $25 because they couldn't even come up with 9 guys, and didn't have the guts to tell someone that we agreed on the forfeit beforehand.

5) They strike a similar pre-game deal with Suarez, in the playoffs, and then only after losing, they protest the game THE NEXT DAY and the league awards them the playoff W.

Am I taking crazy pills?


May 13, 2017
11:47:34 AM

Entry #: 4220765
Seriously though, consider these facts: Yes lets consider them, as an outsider!

1) We gave up a player so that they could have 9, while also putting us a 9 players.
Yes very nice of you, for a scrimmage.

2) I could've just told them to kick rocks and to pay the man $50, and then walked back into our dugout and collected our things. Yet I paid $25 in good faith that they would accept the forfeit.
And you should of, In good faith ? you don't have to pay if the other team forfeits

3) They happily took our 10th player, leaving us a 9, and beat us with him, while also taking my $25.
I bet they are Happy! they beat you with your player and you gave them beer $ . for a game they forfeited.

4) Knowing for WEEKS that they league had given them the W, they didn't say anything. I'm out $25 because they couldn't even come up with 9 guys, and didn't have the guts to tell someone that we agreed on the forfeit beforehand. I don't thinking J+J have control over League lineup site. sounds to me you sould be notifying whoever runs the league. not up to J+J. didn't you have an umpirer out there? or was he incompetent?

5) They strike a similar pre-game deal with Suarez, in the playoffs, and then only after losing, they protest the game THE NEXT DAY and the league awards them the playoff W.

"strike a similar pre-game deal with Suarez, in the playoffs"?? really, what sh*ty league do you belong to that they are "striking pre-game deals" before a playoff game. the rules are the rules
and in most leagues by the time the playoffs start rosters are locked.

Am I taking crazy pills?
Devin your gripe should be with the league. but why don't you ask J+J for your money back in all fairness they should.

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