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Author TOPIC: Waiting on your team to make? (10-14U)
Hill Country Baseball Club

February 13, 2018
2:24:26 PM

Entry #: 4242417
In the recent days we've received a high volume of emails and calls from parents/coaches in need of team alternatives and affordable options due to team rosters still not making this late in February. If you haven’t found a team or a good fit, Hill Country Baseball has a high level coaching staff with a great schedule this spring. All levels aa/aaa/major (North- 10u/11u/12u/14u).
512-318-6460 or

Paul S

February 15, 2018
8:00:37 PM

Entry #: 4242620
I have a 13 year old. He has played two season of little league, made is all star team and play one season of pony league. He has not played select ball. He wants a 13 U team this spring.
My email is

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