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Author TOPIC: Board agenda
Mike Richmond

November 7, 2018
12:02:34 PM

Entry #: 4258523
JSSA Board meeting next Monday, November 12th after the games....if it rains it will be at 10 a.m. sharp. The meeting is at the Jupiter Old Town Hall, 1000 Town Hall Avenue, which is off of East Center Street. All are welcome.

**Meeting call to order
**Approval of last meeting minutes
**Financial report
Old business:
**Players/sponsors update: registrations, new players, new
**discuss $80 late fee
** Pizza party and schedule of parties thru March 31 2019
** Update on A Fall league
**New business:
resignation of Ricky Steckler and Gene Holmes
appointment of Jeff Baron
** schedule of Winter league drafts and start up
** B league updates/number of teams/ draft, etc
** filing for non profit status
**New equipment purchases: Bats/Bat Wraps/etc
**Discuss accountability of existing equipment(putting
equipment in the storage containers after the games)
**Discuss how to maintain JSSA board integrity by limiting
discussion, rumor and emails outside of our board meeting
**Member comments or concerns
**Date of next meeting
**Motion to Adjourn

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