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Author TOPIC: division split
bill pollak

December 24, 2018
7:53:06 AM

Entry #: 4259424
I agree with Ron. I have been playing for 12 years. When I started there was one big league and we knew each other and things went smoothly. When the top players were skimmed off to make a "competitive" program, I was in the upper league, but missed the interaction with a large segment of players. It still seemed to work out. As the years went by I went to the "B" group. I always felt that there were players in the "A" group that should be "B" players and visa versa. As Ron stated, the less skilled players were absorbed and the games were still competative. Now by taking another 48 or 52 players who somebody thinks need to be skimmed off to make their experience more fulfilling I submit that this is 100% poor thinking. We are there to play "senior" softball for fun and exercise. No fans, no box scores or write ups in the paper. Just pure recreation and sport. Again, I feel that the selections are not completley accurate but that is not the main issue. The weeding out of what is considered the top players leaves what I feel will leave a very poor product which takes the fun out of playing. I still choose to play rather than not play, but I totally disagree with the concept that there is a need for the separation. This serves a few at the cost to the many and although they have not voiced their feelings I am certain that this is true. A remedy for something that does not need a cure.

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