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Author TOPIC: "B" split
Bill Pollak

January 1, 2019
12:46:53 AM

Entry #: 4259498
I am happy to see that I am not alone in my questioning of the decision to split up the B division. I would think that there are many more players that feel the same way that I do.. I would urge you not to sit on the sidelines and not make your feelings heard. The only way to overturn this mistake is to speak up. Write on the message board. If the majority disagrees with me, let me know. If you agree let me know. I will abide by the feelings of the majority. For the "elites" one solution is to make the A division six teams. All of the rest of the league would consist of eight teams. This would be a fairer compromise that would keep the leagues competative and better balanced. Another solution is a four team league and a ten team league. I will not repeat the comments of the other dissenters but they all make very good points. We all play to win but not at a "cut throat" level. We do not need the arguments and near fight that happen in this atmosphere. Lets remember that this is senior softball recreation. To satisfy a few players that think that they are too good to play with the less talented or players who have lost some skill because they have aged remember that one day you will be in that boat. It is not too late to make things right.

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