| Tom Cosentino
April 9, 2019 1:46:40 PM
Entry #: 4261253
| JSSA Board Meeting Minutes Monday 4/8/2019 Attendees: Dave Summers, Tom Cosentino, Sal Messina, Gary Ofner, Jeff Barron, Scott Logan. An additional 5 JSSA members attended the meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes from 3/11/19 meeting were approved
TREASURER’S REPORT - Tabled until May meeting due to Gary Newman’s absence
INSURANCE DISCUSSION- It was determined that the the JSSA carries two insurance policies. One that indemnifies directors and another that provides general liability for the league. These are being held by Rich Johnston (Boomer) our resident insurance advisor. It was also agreed that the Board will revise the hold harmless language in the league registration form so that the waiver that players agree to has no end date regardless of the period covered by the dues payment. Sal will draft language for this change to be made by Gary Newman.
Old Business: NON-PROFIT STATUS- After some discussion it was determined by a majority of the Board not to move forward. Some Board members believe there is an increased liability risk with the formation of an entity such as this so the issue is off the table for now.
AD HOC GROUPS - The Board requested that Board members in the future refrain from taking an organizational role in efforts that involve any type of honoring or presenting of gifts to other Board or JSSA members.
VOLUNTEER COMMITTEES - Committees of player volunteers have been established for the following League activities: Elections, Code Of Conduct Oversight, Sponsors, B1 and B2 Division Management, Social, Advertising, Umpires, New Player Welcome.
New Business: NONE
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned/Next meeting 5/13/19