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Author TOPIC: Autism Society Tournament

June 26, 2019
9:33:47 PM

Entry #: 4263136
My name is Cameron Faylor and I am a representative of the Autism Society of American. We are holding a coed softball tournament on August 3rd and I was hoping that you could help spread the word. We are looking for some additional teams to join and I was hoping that you could send this information to some of the teams in your mens and coed leagues. I appreciate any help that you can give is. Here are some of the details.
$300 entry fee
1st place gets $1000/ 2nd place gets $500
Guaranteed 3 games.
Tournament is in Irwin, PA
3 girls on the field at all times.
ASA rules and bats permitted.
For additional questions please call or email Cameron at 724-217-1374 or

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