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Author TOPIC: Minutes from 8/12 Board Meeting
Tom Cosentino

August 13, 2019
7:06:19 AM

Entry #: 4266297
JSSA Board Of Directors
Meeting Minutes

? Call To Order

? Roll Call/Quorum - 5 Board Members were in Attendance, Dave Summers, Tom Cosentino, Rich Sewell, Gary Newman and Mike Richmond. Absent were Scott Logan, Sal M. Jeff B. and Gary O.

? Treasury Report - 141 Members have paid their dues as of this meeting. Any player arriving at the fields and not paid up on Wed oct 2 will be verbally notified that he will not be allowed on the fields on Friday Oct 4 unless full payment has been made and confirmed. Tom to send out an email to all players regarding this.

Shirt and hat Order - Gary Newman will order additional shirts and hats to accommodate the orders.
Sponsors/ Update and assignment of responsibility - Scott Logan as the Board member responsible was not present. The Board is considering removing sponsor names from shirts and creating a sponsor banner that would hang at the field displaying all current sponsors.

? Approval Of Previous Meeting Minutes- Minutes from 7/15/19 meeting approved

? Old Business:
Update of Non Profit filing process - Awaiting State of Florida notification for authorization to establish a league bank account and transfer funds from our current account.

? New Business:
Proposed Royal Palm Beach League Player visit on 8/26 - The Board approved this subject to approval by the town of Jupiter. A Team of Senior Division players who wish to participate in this game will be selected at random from the group of senior division players who show up at JCP the morning of 8/26.

Board discussion regarding update of By-Laws and Uniform Rules - The Board has agreed to establish a committee of players to review the Uniform Rules and Bylaws for the purpose of providing recommendations to the Board for updates and changes to these documents. Dennis Frankos will take the lead on this and recruit at least 2 additional members to this committee.Players interested should contact Dennis at to discuss.

Town of Jupiter requests- Liability release roster and Insurance requests- Taken care of. The Jupiter Release Roster is available in the box at field 1. All players must sign the roster once per year as a condition for participation.

JSSA membership accommodation request for Town representative - It was agreed that Pete Doherty, our Jupiter Rec Dept representative will be considered a current paid up JSSA member. His annual dues requirement has been waived.

? Adjournment

? Next Meeting Sept 9

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