| Robert Adams
November 5, 2019 2:42:00 PM
Entry #: 4275061
| I have a question. Are we following standard ASA softball rules? If so, I have seen the "Overthrow Rule" enforced incorrectly twice this season. I have heard umpires saying it is two bases if the ball is thrown by an outfielder, and one if by an infielder.
RULE 8, Sec. 7/BATTER-RUNNER AND RUNNER/Runners are Entitled to Advance Without Liability to be Put Out
f. When the ball is in play and is overthrown (beyond the boundary lines) or is blocked. EFFECT – Sec. 7f: All runners, including the batter-runner, shall be awarded TWO BASES, and the award will be governed by the position of the runners when the ball left the fielder's hand. Runners may return to touch a base left too soon on a caught fly ball, or a missed base. If two runners are between the same bases, the award is based on the position of the lead runner.
EXCEPTION: 1. When a fielder loses possession of the ball such as on an attempted tag, and the ball enters the dead ball area or becomes blocked, each runner is awarded one base from the last base touched at the time the ball entered the dead ball area or became blocked. 2. If a runner touches the next base and returns to his original base, the original base he left is considered the "last base touched'' for purposes of an overthrow award. 3. If the ball becomes blocked due to offensive team equipment, the ball is ruled dead and runners are returned to the last base touched at the time of the blocked ball. If the blocked ball prevented the defense from making a play, the runner being played on is called out. (If this player has scored prior to the blocked ball being ruled, the runner closest to home is called out).
I just want to make sure it is called correctly.