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Author TOPIC: rulebook

November 28, 2019
2:21:51 PM

Entry #: 4277437
The rules book posted on the website is incorrect ... To the best of my knowledge, JSSA plays by USA Softball rules (the old ASA, which changed their name a few years ago. ) ....We do NOT play by SSUSA rules which are different in many ways and are posted for some reason on the JSSA website

USA softball is the oldest and most respected of all Softball associations which is why JSSA has always used this organization as a framework

Tom Cosentino

December 1, 2019
5:22:49 PM

Entry #: 4278486
The rule book posted on our site is not the "Official" rule book of the league. It is posted "for information only" as I know the JSSA rules are based on USA Softball (formerly ASA) rules.

If anyone can find an electronic copy of the "USA Softball" rules, let me know and I will post them also on the website


December 2, 2019
7:14:35 AM

Entry #: 4278492
Since we are posting rulebooks that are useleds to our league, can you post MLB NBA and UEFA because they have as much relevance as the SSUSA rulebook. The USA rulebook must be purchased and downloaded. It takes money to run USA Olympic softball etc .... If youd like to see a copy, I paid for and have a copy on my phone.

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