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Author TOPIC: 2019 FAll PLayoff Schedule and Times

December 4, 2019
1:45:49 PM

Entry #: 4278535
Listed below are the times matchups for the WAFFL Fall Playoff,
Upper Division:
9am #8 Bet vs #9 FOTR: Field #1
10am #2 Allstar United vs #7 HUH: Field #1
10am #4 Only the Family vs #5 Invaders:Field #2
11am #1 Cheat Code vs 8/9 winner:Field #1
11am #3 Rebels vs #6 MD Menaces: Field #2
12pm #2/7 winner vs #3/6 winner: Field #2
1pm #1/8-9 winner vs #4/5 winner: Field #1
2pm 12pm winner vs 1pm winner: Field #1
Please note the 2pm game has a grace period
The Official fees are paid by teams up to the Championship game

Lower Division:
9am PGP vs DIP: Field #2
12pm W5 vs PGP/DIP Field #1. Official fees payable both games by the teams.

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