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Author TOPIC: Stadard of Conduct

February 11, 2020
4:00:45 PM

Entry #: 4283605
Just curious if russia wrote the poll on the redundant code of conduct. It look similar to the Crimea poll in Ukraine in 2014

(Keep in mind the Uniform Playing rules have always had the Standard of Conduct section which is 4.1. I know it because Scott Logan, Tom Jaeger and, believe it or not, me, John Sullivan wrote the current one. Those rules have served is well over many years and issues have been addressed)

There is a quote "The smallest minority in the world is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." ....... The association is comprised of INDIVIDUALS from varied backgrounds desiring varying types of competition. The right of the individual must be protected unless it infringes on the rights of others.

The poll is written with 3 of the worst errors in poll writing : 1) "leading question" 2) "assumptive question" and 3) "double-barreled question"

A poll should have unbiased questions like:
1)The Standards of Conduct section has been used for years at JSSA, should it be strengthened.

2) Do you believe the disciplinary enforcement has been fair and even (no bias toward league officials or specific association members.)

3) Should the conduct rules be developed so players can be expelled from the association for non physical and non threatening behavior.

4) Should the small group make the decision as to punishment or should there be a separate disciplinary committee to review all issues. (There is that committee now BUT the association ignores them.) This committee would ensure the fairness of application of rules.

Tom Cosentino

February 12, 2020
6:27:18 AM

Entry #: 4283614
Thanks for your comments on this issue John.

No..Russia did not meddle in the poll.

Comrade Tom

Joe Roche

February 20, 2020
2:17:44 PM

Entry #: 4284727
Dang I miss you guys

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