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Author TOPIC: Statement Regarding Coronavirus (COVID -19)

March 15, 2020
6:49:04 PM

Entry #: 4289036
As we are all aware, the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has had a huge impact on the sports world - globally as well as here in southern Ontario.

Within the past few days sporting events from Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, and March Madness down to sports league for kids have been suspended or in some cases, cancelled.

The situation is changing daily, even hourly, and like everyone else the GHBL has been monitoring it very closely. The GHBL is fortunate that our season opener is not until May and the situation may be very different by then.

In the interim, the GHBL would like everyone to know that when the time comes, the GHBL will respond in the best interest of everyone involved.

Thank you, and stay safe and healthy

- Avi Sundar, GHBL President behalf of the GHBL Executive Team

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