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Tom C

May 4, 2021
8:04:58 AM

Entry #: 4339193
Please comment as to how we would do this, dates and if you would be for this.


May 4, 2021
8:47:58 AM

Entry #: 4339194
With people starting to go on trips & back north I don’t feel it’ll work. Maybe you can muster up enough people to do it but I think most would like the ability to go away without affecting a team’s line up


May 4, 2021
8:49:04 AM

Entry #: 4339195
Yes to a summer season. Larger teams for vacations.

David Pelsor

May 4, 2021
8:49:14 AM

Entry #: 4339196
I vote no season seems to me everybody is having a better time playing pick up games then having a league to the best of my knowledge there has been no arguments nor has there been any Injections .Relax everybody this is senior softball there is nothing after this


May 4, 2021
8:50:21 AM

Entry #: 4339197
As a player who currently plays less than 20 games a year and play in a summer league up north feel that I should have no say in this discussion.

Good luck in the board decision.

John Magill

May 4, 2021
9:02:41 AM

Entry #: 4339198
I prefer having the summer laid back, pickup games for those willing to brave the heat. Vacation plans will not interfere.

Ken Lees

May 4, 2021
9:04:43 AM

Entry #: 4339199
yes....that would be fun...but only play 2x per week...that way we can have pickup games as well...

brian eaton

May 4, 2021
9:04:58 AM

Entry #: 4339200
i like it as it is with no games that i have to be at

Duke Barwick

May 4, 2021
9:06:15 AM

Entry #: 4339201
I am strongly against this change and would not play if implemented.

Bill DeRenzo

May 4, 2021
9:09:22 AM

Entry #: 4339202
Usually good...
My opinion is yes. Just polling a few
Guys after the season ended many agreed. There are also more permanent residents
in so. Fla as well. With this idea, you'll have more membership when word of this gets around.

Jeffrey Schwartz

May 4, 2021
9:09:31 AM

Entry #: 4339203
Summers are way too hot and sunny to commit to playing 3 days a week. Those conditions would be more pronounced should a second game be needed at 10:30 a.m. or later. Pick up games give the flexibility to pick and choose how often to play. Plus it is nice to play with different players every game.

Bill DeRenzo

May 4, 2021
9:11:12 AM

Entry #: 4339204
Usually good...
My opinion is yes. Just polling a few
Guys after the season ended many agreed. There are also more permanent residents
in so. Fla as well. With this idea, you'll have more membership when word of this gets around.

Everett Barber

May 4, 2021
9:20:35 AM

Entry #: 4339205
Yes, only if it can be competitive. I'm not sure that we have enough players who live here year round to form a competitive white division league with at least 4 - 5 teams. I do prefer playing in a competitive league with a given team vs pick up games. However, we have so many snow birds in our league that I don't think we could form summer teams.

Jeffrey W Barron

May 4, 2021
9:25:51 AM

Entry #: 4339206
Am open to the idea if there are enough players . Fielding four teams may mean that red and blue players might be on the same field and this is problematic. We have generally not had more than 50 players during the summer, but this year may be different

Roger Wyner

May 4, 2021
9:37:40 AM

Entry #: 4339207
I am not in Florida in the summer, but I think those who are would welcome a league like they do here in Atlanta, with two leagues, upper & lower:
play the first half of the summer season in May & June, then take a week off for the holiday, during which time the directors provide "trades" to better balance teams & based on who will be there the rest of the summer. Then play another 8 or 9 weeks. At the end, there's a one game playoff between the top two teams for a summer champion of each league

Mitchell singer

May 4, 2021
9:41:58 AM

Entry #: 4339208
I support a summer schedule, though I will not be available most of July. I'm having fun with the pickup games so either way is good for me.

Neal Hirsch

May 4, 2021
9:46:14 AM

Entry #: 4339209
For those that do a little traveling in the summer, it would be hard to commit to a team.


May 4, 2021
9:54:13 AM

Entry #: 4339212
Absolutely no reason for it. Players will be coming and going all summer

Allen Adams

May 4, 2021
10:08:29 AM

Entry #: 4339213
I enjoy playing with the opportunity to engage different levels of expertise. However, if there were enough players , team playing would be fun.

Frank Mikos

May 4, 2021
10:09:02 AM

Entry #: 4339214
True games can be a little boring but it also gives players opportunity to pick and choose days they want to play. I guess I would be for summer league with set teams and play as a substitute

John Katulak

May 4, 2021
10:41:03 AM

Entry #: 4339215
No Summer League. More fun playing with different people than staying on the same team for 8 to 10 weeks. I would only play as a sub during the summer , because of other obligations.


May 4, 2021
10:45:13 AM

Entry #: 4339216
Absolutely one day you have competitive teams then the next won’t mention. At least playing with purpose gives you some desire to excel. Thx for entertaining the ides

Paul Cingolani

May 4, 2021
11:09:08 AM

Entry #: 4339218
Absolutely have a season.

Harold Fravel

May 4, 2021
11:42:57 AM

Entry #: 4339219
I like the relaxed pick up games and getting to know more of the players. I vote no to a summer league.

Steve Kurman

May 4, 2021
12:20:31 PM

Entry #: 4339220
Yes they should but only 2 days a week.


May 4, 2021
12:30:45 PM

Entry #: 4339221
How about 2or 3 mini seasons around a month each. Just a thought

Doug Elder

May 4, 2021
12:43:35 PM

Entry #: 4339222
The beauty of summer pick-up games to me is the flexibility it allows. Summer league seems too rigid in scheduling.

Duke Barwick

May 4, 2021
12:44:19 PM

Entry #: 4339223
How about reserving a field for pickup games so we can still play regardless of league or no league.

Frank D’Antico

May 4, 2021
1:22:40 PM

Entry #: 4339225
I think it’s a good idea and would I play.

May 4, 2021
1:54:20 PM

Entry #: 4339227
While I cant speak for the C league I do believe there is merit in developing a casual summer league made up of A and B players. It could last from mid May to mid July, ending right before we go to Tequesta. It could be two days a week allowing the third day to be pick up, as we do now. It would give the A and B players a chance to play in games with each other and get to know each other better...right now we operate as three separate leagues and this might foster better relationships among the players. I would expand the rosters to offset vacations...

Peter Forgach

May 4, 2021
2:20:05 PM

Entry #: 4339228
I would say NO.
Too much of a commitment that I do not want to make. In summer of 2019, the A (Red) division on a number of occasions did not have enough players and had to merge with the Whites and possibly some Blue players. That just went to show that there were not enough players in some divisions and no reason to believe that changed this year.

Mike Maddox

May 4, 2021
2:36:57 PM

Entry #: 4339230
I would like to have a defined league for summer, but only 2 days a week, perhaps only one day. The other days can be pickup to provide schedule flexibility to those that are on vacation or just taking a break. 3 days a week commitment is tough requirement to have defined and consistent teams for league play.

Lee Malkin

May 4, 2021
3:42:27 PM

Entry #: 4339234
All in favor of a summer season

Ralph Randazzo

May 4, 2021
4:21:40 PM

Entry #: 4339235
No doesn't work for me sorry hip surgery soon

Tim T.

May 4, 2021
4:39:09 PM

Entry #: 4339236
I enjoy playing in the pickup games in the summer.

mike torbin

May 4, 2021
4:54:32 PM

Entry #: 4339237
NO. not enough players to field even 3 teams

Jimmy T

May 4, 2021
5:06:44 PM

Entry #: 4339238
I do many things in the summer spontaneously. I would feel bad checking out from a team to do what I want. I like the idea and would play if it wasn't for that.

Jorge Garcia

May 4, 2021
6:03:05 PM

Entry #: 4339239

Joel Goldberg

May 4, 2021
6:54:46 PM

Entry #: 4339240
Summer team play 1-2 days per week (with’ pickup’ games the other day(s)) would be attractive to me if it meant increased competition with mixed divisional play. As that, however, has only occurred very sporadically in ‘pickup’ games, I don’t see it happening in summer team play. Thus, , I vote NO.
Thanks for the idea.

Ron Seely

May 4, 2021
8:38:04 PM

Entry #: 4339243
May be workable if there will be enough players who will be able to play all the league schedule. What about those who can only play once or twice a week? You can't leave them out of occasional play. It may work with a limited number of teams with extra players but may be a headache for managers. Probably not a good idea.

Jim Dalton

May 4, 2021
8:40:22 PM

Entry #: 4339244
Don`t want to commit to full time ball


May 4, 2021
9:39:57 PM

Entry #: 4339246
BIG GLOVE says yes!

Gerry Elias

May 4, 2021
10:31:01 PM

Entry #: 4339247
I think I understand the JSSA Board would like to attempt to have a summer and/or fall league?
They have put in a lot of work making equal teams during the summer/fall pick-up games. I and many other players are grateful.
However, summer/fall ball is not as easy as it seems. There may be a substitutes’ list to fill in for missing players.
Question: How would this sub list work? Would you only call good players and not so good never play all summer? I don’t know, but many things need to be investigated before a summer league will be good for ALL!
Besides, many players like myself who have lost abilities still can perform well enough to compete, maybe not at the level we did several years ago. Does that mean “step aside you cannot play with all players!”? If you make real competitive groups, what happens to much older players, who have lost some skills?.
We’ve enjoyed mixing with young talented players, whom we don’t know during the winter season, since we don’t play together. I would love to play with White Division players.
Red Division players are just too strong for me, but one or two of them may be nice to play with or against.

Peter Cohane

May 5, 2021
6:45:07 AM

Entry #: 4339249
Doesn’t work for me.

Scott Logan

May 5, 2021
8:22:05 AM

Entry #: 4339250
Only if the white and blue are combined

Norman G Haltrich

May 5, 2021
1:04:40 PM

Entry #: 4339254
yes by all means IF PEOPLE ARE AVAILABLE
to continue doing what we are doing !

michael parenti

May 5, 2021
3:58:50 PM

Entry #: 4339260
I'm in

Sheldon Isaacson

May 5, 2021
10:33:21 PM

Entry #: 4339262
Hi, I would be in favor of a spring league that started after the winter league ended. Perhaps April 1 through the middle of June. However with the heat in the summer I am not a big fan of playing in July and August. Just my point of view. thanks Sheldon

Jack Sponaes

May 7, 2021
8:26:49 AM

Entry #: 4339270
I don't think it's a good idea. A lot of players move around during the summer and a full squad would be hard to maintain. I don't think the pick-up games are boring because you get to play with guys that you don't normally play with and each day it's a different group. I see no reason for assigned teams.

mike igneri

May 7, 2021
2:38:44 PM

Entry #: 4339273
i would vote no. i like playing with different guys every week. Less tension, more fun


May 8, 2021
5:38:08 PM

Entry #: 4339278
Only 3 of 27 on our field said they would play in league. How did we go from that to having a a Wed league?

Gary Brodsky

May 10, 2021
1:05:36 PM

Entry #: 4339308
If mixed teams sounds good

John Katulak

May 11, 2021
8:04:25 AM

Entry #: 4339321
If there is a summer league there still should be an open field for other players to use, and to continue to play pick up games like we have always done. If there is not this chance to play pick up games 3 days a week, I think there is a problem.

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