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Author TOPIC: The League Champs to be, versus The Principal
The Greek

March 7, 2022
1:02:21 PM

Entry #: 4346486
The journey of a thousand miles, starts with the first step (so said that philosopher and overall decent human being, Chairman Mao/NOT) and Moore's journey starts with Game two. This really is a GOOD TEAM with great balance and great bigs and enough defense and firepower from the backcourt. Moore/Keane and Rendel will dominate the paint and score 35 plus. Danny Wong can go off at any time and score 15 plus. That's enough for the W, against Colin who'll be tired out after a day of chasing down errant youths at his school and a Drew Adderly, who's better days WAY past him...... Munt/Bland will be up against it in the paint and it won't be pretty. This ends up a blow out, by 15....

Betsy Ross

March 7, 2022
4:54:26 PM

Entry #: 4346494
Greek Yogurts only correct pick of the night. I don't think he's stopped drooling about this team since draft night. Wes went with a bold strategy of picking size after size. Danny was a good pick and Rataski is likely to impose his will. We'll see what the 30 year league veteran Kyle can do. I will say thank god he's playing. It wouldn't be the same without him. Now bring back Rumph!! Anyways Wes wins by 22.

The Greek

March 7, 2022
5:17:47 PM

Entry #: 4346497
OK Betsy, you finally make some sense, but am a little confused with, "Rataski will impose his will"? Is this his last will and testament? Last I saw him play, he scored nada before limping off the court hurt.

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