| NataliaMi
March 8, 2022 4:31:01 AM
Entry #: 4346502
| ??ll? all, guy?! I kn?w, m? m????ge ma? be to? s?e??fic, But m? ???ter found n?ce man h?re ?nd th?y m?rr??d, ?o how ?b?ut me?! :) I am 26 y?ar? ?ld, ?at?l?a, fr?m Ukraine, ? kn?w ?ngli?h ?nd G?rman langu?g?? ?ls? And... I have s?ec?fi? d?s?as?, named nym?h?m?ni?. ?ho kn?w wh?t ?s this, can understand me (b?tter t? say it ?mm?diately) ?h ye?, I ?o?k ver? t??t?! ?nd ? l?v? not onl? c?ok )) Im r?al girl, n?t ?r??t?tut?, and l??king f?r ?erious and h?t rel?ti?nshi?... ?n?w?y, ??u can f?nd m? pr?file h?r?: #l?nk